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Update3 JB Daniel - USA AMLP95
2001 artwork, untitled collage, signed, 8 1/2 x 11 2001 ephemera, not from jb, signed 2001 envelope 2001 sticker in small glassine, Dia De Los Muertos, perf, #16 of 75 signed 2001 sticker in glassinge, 2nd Anniversary, #2 of 100, signed 2002 envelope 2002 sticker in glassine, self-portrait 2002 postcard, "fitting in", artwork on back 2002 postcard, "language process", artwork on back 2003 postcard, Fill in the ____., artwork on back 2003 postcard, plastic semi transparent, "The nothing that is and the nothing that is not", artwork front and back, canceled, but no stamp 2003 envelope, "paper doll" artwork fashioned into an envelope with the artwork on the inside, unassembled 2003 artwork, "paper dolls", 8 1/2 x 11, signed
Update3 Aisling D'Art - USA Ballynafae (Faerie Poste) Hollow Hill (Ghost Poste) AMLP23
2000 envelope, feast of rhiannon Ballynafae 33 and kilmallock Ballynafae 33 artistamps tied to cancel, both scissor perf, collage cachet 2000 stamp, single, kilmallock Ballynafae 5 artistamp printed on letterhead, imperf, variety of kilmallock Ballynafae 33, note from Aisling introducing the first issues of Ballynafae stamps, signed 2000 6 stamp, souvenir sheet, kilmallock Ballynafae 5 artistamps, imperf, first date of issue: 1 March 2000, #15 of 30, signed 2000 postcard, april fool Ballynafae 5 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, ECP project, cachet, stamp artwork and written details on back, #10 of 17, signed 2000 envelope, gilson rd cemetary Ghost Poste 33 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, larger variety, block of four pre-printed Ghost Poste 33 artistamps commemorating Haunted New Hampshire, USA, first stamps issued for Hollow Hill, four varieties, smaller varieties, First Day of issue, #5 of 15, signed, april fool Ballynafae 5 artistamp adhered to back, scissor perf 2000 Ghost Poste documentation for the first stamps issued for Hollow Hill with four artistamps adhered accompanied by documentation for each, four larger varieties, scissor perf 2000 envelope, kilmallock post office Ballynafae 3 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, smaller variety, cachet 2000 presentation card, kilmallock post office Ballynafae 3 artistamp on the cover, scissor perf, largerer variety, celebrating St. Patrick's Day cachet, 6 stamp, block, kilmallock Ballynafae 3 artistamps adhered to inside card, scissor perf and imperf, six varieties, smaller variety, stamp documentation facing left, #19 of 50, signed 2000 14 stamps, singles, in small envelope with "contraband" cachet, different varieties and denominations 2000 postcard, first anniversary AMLP23 1L artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, Ballynafae - AML Local Post, cachets, two additional varieties of first anniversary AMLP23 1L artistamps adhered to back, both scissor perf, cachet, signed 2001 postcard, imbolc 2001 Ballynafae 3 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, larger variety, slight sorter damage, first day of issue cachet, four imbolc 2001 Ballynafae 3 artistamps adhered to back, scissor perf and imperf, four varieties, smaller variety, Celebrating Imbolic 2001 - anticipation of Spring, Official Ballynafae Faerie Poste cachet 2001 postcard, second anniversary AMLP23 2L artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, first day of issue cachet, Visit Scenic Ballynafae cachet and map on back 2001 envelope, imbolc 2001 Ballynafae 3 artistamp, scissor perf, visa cachet, cachet on back 2001 9 stamp, small sheet, sunrise Ballynafae artistamps, imperf, nine varieties and two denominations, #2 of 6, signed 2001 stamp, single, Welcome to Ballynafae visa stamp adhered to Ballynafae passport page, cachets, cachet on back 2001 ephemera, Welcome letter from the Ballynafae Tourist Office, signed 2001 ephemera, Information for Travelers from the Ballynafae Welcome Center, details of the island 2001 postcard, 4 stamp, block, disney world Ballynafae 3 artistamps, scissor perf and imperf, one tied to cancel and franked, slight sorter damage, first day of issue, cachet 2001 postcard, 4 stamp, block, mardi gras 2001 Ballynafae 3 artistamps, scissor perf and imperf, franked, sorter damage, first day of issue, cachet, signed 2001 postcard, aisling self portrait Ballynafae 3 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, 4 stamp, block, hollow earth advocates Ballynafae 3 artistamps, scissor perf and imperf, four varities, one tied to cancel, signed, Hollow Earth Theory quotes and illustration on back 2002 postcard, phoenix Ballynafae 3 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, inscribed, signed, additional phoenix artistamp adhered to back
Update4 Naomi Davidson - USA Lost Post
1996 envelope, two stickers tied to cancel, perf, franked, sock Lost Post 3 artistamp adhered to back, perf 1996 ephemera, notes from Naomi, signed 1996 envelope, mind Lost Post 3 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 1996 56 stamp, full page, Lost Post 3 triangle artistamps, 56 varieties, perf, signed 1996 8 stamp, full page, teeth Lost Post stickers, perf 1996 ephemera, letter from Naomi, signed
Update3 Mike Dickau - USA Captain Biology Artpost USA d=0CAUQ_AU
2004 envelope, clear plastic, artwork, stickers and artistamps, unopened 2005 envelope, eat mailart USA 37 artistamp tied to cancel 2005 envelope, small handmade with artwork, signed, brown rockfish Mike Dickau 40 artistamp adhered, perf 2005 ten artist trading cards, all different tiles, signed 2005 ephemera, note from Mike, signed 2006 envelope, kingcod Artpost 2 artistamp, hand canceled, perf, Sac-Squatch sticker, hand canceled, perf 2006 presentation folder, "mess 'o Mikes's artistamps 2002-2006, inscribed inside, signed 2006 25 stamps, singles, variety of issues from 2002 to 2005 in presentation folder and plastic bag, all different, all perf 2006 ephemera, 3 pages of Zippy strips 2006 ephemera, note from Mike, signed 2006 envelope, self-portrait Artpost 2 and mountain man USA 37 artistamp, perf, dickau sticker, imperf 2006 presentation folder, "mess 'o Mikes's artistamps 2002-2006, note inside, signed 2006 15 stamps, singles, variety of issues from 2002 to 2005 in presentation folder and plastic bag, all different, all perf 2006 6 photos, Dickau biology snaps 2006 ephemera, 4 different gallery promos for works that include Mike Dickau events, graphics and sculptures 2006 ephemera, add to, pass on 2006 ephemera, 6 Dickau business cards 2006 Dickau art card, "Beauty Contemplates Infinity", note on back, signed 2006 envelope, garibaldi USA 39 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 2006 16 sticker, full page, Duchamp for 18th "Independent Art" Festival, signed held Jr. and Dickau, perf 2006 artwork, "The Crack" signed 2006 ephemera, add to, pass on, dadaperfed, signed Dickau and Held Jr. 2006 ephemera, Leah Garchik, 3 pieces 2006 ephemera, documentation for Konstantin Malakhov projecy
Update1 Beverly Dittberner - USA B. Anne Envelope Read Archipelago: BTD Island Post Read Island Post CC Island Post M Island Post Coco Island Post / C Island Post / CI Bookaday Island Post / B Island Post / BIP Charles Fort Island Post / C Fort Island / CFI Post Dice Island Post AML 119 Post Perf Post MQsAQ&tbm=isch
1997-98 10 different BTD greeting cards, all unmailed 2001 postcard, round B Island Post artistamp tied to cancel, CC Island franked, imperf, M Island franked, cachet, note, signed, mule M Island Post 1 artistamp and cachet on back, includes "First Issue" announcement and documentation, scissor perf, uncanceled 2001 postcard, round B Island Post artistamp tied to cancel, CC Island franked, imperf, 3 different Bookaday Island Post 1 artistamps, two scissor perf, one imperf, BIP franked, Big Fat Dumb Book Day BIP 1 artistamp, scissor perf, uncanceled, first day of issue documentation and cachet on back 2001 postcard, round B Island Post artistamp tied to cancel, franked, postmistress signed and dated, C. Fort Island Post 1 artistamp, scissor perf, franked, C. Fort Island Post 1 artistamp, scissor perf, First Issue documentation and historical background 2001 postcard, round B Island Post artistamp tied to cancel, CC Island franked, scissor perf, BIP 1 artistamp tied to cancel, franked, Coco Island BIP 1 artistamp, note, signed, cachets, BIP Coco Island "forever denominated" artistamp, scissor perf and First Issue documentation on back 2001 envelope, large, three different marys M Island artistamps, manatee M Island artistamp and mirth of venus M Island artistamp, all scissor perf, all "forever denominated", four additional stickers, cachets, two additional cachets on back 2001 5 stickers, full page, first issue of Marys 2001 30 stamp, full page, marys M Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, five varieties, signed 2001 20 stamp, strip, early attempts at artistamps for MI, CFI and BI, six varieties 2001 envelope, four margaret wise brown M Island "forever denominated" artistamps, scissor perf, four varieties, first day issue, official commemorative, cachet, signed on back 2001 envelope, four margaret wise brown M Island "forever denominated" artistamps, scissor perf, four varieties, cachet, signed 2001 8 stamp, souvenir sheet on cardstock, margaret wise brown M Island "forever denominated" artistamps, printed perf, two different stamp, four varieties each, 2001 ephemera, documentation for margaret wise brown M Island "forever denominated" artistamps 2001 artwork, two early attempts at developing a personal carving technique, Lazy cows, color, #5 of 20 and Polar Bears, B&W, #1 of 4, block prints on card stock, 4 x 5 1/2, both signed 2001 artwork, trout fishing block print on perforated stock, signed 2001 artwork, blue eye block print on perforated stock, signed 2001 postcard, winter solstice AML 119 Post "forever denominated" artistamp, tied to USPS hand cancel and machine cancel, documentation, artwork and additional artistamp adhered to back 2001 envelope, large, hampel flug post commem Toast Postes 3 artistamp, perf, rabbitlandia commem Toast Postes 34 artistamp, two marys M Island "forever denominated" artistamps, scissor perf, circular perforated label, cachets 2001 postcard, coco floating C Island artistamp, coco/mary C Island artistamp, coco halloween C Island artistamp, all scissor perf, one tied to cancel, two franked, halloween greetings artwork on back, coco halloween artistamp C Island artistamp adhered, all scissor perf 2001 4 stamp, souvenir strip, coco floating C Island and C Fort Island artistamps, printed perf, self adhesive paper 2001 envelope, large, nine BI stickers, scissor perf, franked, waiting dishes Bookaday Island Post 1 artistamp, imperf, franked, cachets 2002 publication, hand stitched artist book with documentation for the Year of the Horse artistamp call, 20 pages, 4 1/4 x 5 3/4, copy #1 2002 envelope, 2 different beloved toys Bookaday Island Post artistamps Humpty & Davy 1 and Sooty "forever denominated" artistamps, both tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet 2002 20 stamp, full page, sooty Bookaday Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, #2 of 12, signed 2002 stamp, single, humpty and davy crocket B Island Post 1 artistamp, perf 2002 envelope, what is it B Island Post 2 artistamp and two varieties what is it C Fort Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, all perf, one franked, cachet 2002 12 stamp, souvenir sheet, what is it C Fort Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, #5 of 12, signed 2002 10 stamp, souvenir sheet, what is it B Island Post 2 artistamps, perf, #9 of 12, signed 2002 postcard, overcome Coco Island Post 21 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet, signed, artwork on back with additional artistamp, first edition, first printing 2002 10 stickers, Coco's Altar to Rosback, #1 of 25, signed 2002 12 stamp, block, welcoming committee C Fort Island 2 artistamps, perf, 1st series, #1 of 25, signed 2002 postcard, read Dice Island Post 1 artistamp, perf, cachet, first edition, first printing 2002 envelope, large, three coco's altar Coco Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, one franked, two varieties, 2 genius Perf Post 11 artistamps, dada perf, franked, welcome C-Fort Island 27 artistamp, perf, franked, five AML 199 artistamps, perf, franked, five varieties, real artistamp storied Toast Postes 35 artistamp, perf, franked, three additional stickers, perf, franked, cachets, manatee cachet on back 2002 15 stamp, block, in the pudding Perf Post, perf, #1 of 26, signed 2002 15 stamp, block, 99% perforation Perf Post, perf, #1 of 26, signed 2002 postcard, orange is a good thing sticker, perf 2002 sticker, orange is a good thing sticker, perf, in plastic bag 2002 envelope, large, four women on read Read Island Post 2 artistamps, perf, four varieties, one tied to USPS hand cancel, two franked, first edition, first printing, Read sticker, perf, cachets on front and back 2002 envelope, large, read archipelago Bookaday Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp, Read Archipelago 119 artistamp and Bookaday Island Post sticker, franked, all perf, cachets 2002 21 stamp, full page, read archipelago Bookaday Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed 2002 35 stamp, full page, read archipelago AML 119 Post 3 artistamps, perf, five varieties, signed 2002 ephemera, greeting card, Beloved Toys documentation, photograph of Sooty on cover, print of Humpty & Davy Crockett on back with historical documentation 2002 envelope, two Coco stickers, one franked, perf, cachet, signed 2002 23 sticker, full page, Coco's Cold, perf, #16 of 20, signed 2002 envelope, two year of the horse stickers, one tied to USPS hand cancel, both franked, perf, cachet 2002 35 sticker, full page, year of the horse stickers, perf, signed 2002 artwork, year of the horse folded booklet, sealed, unopened 2002 envelope, sooty Bookaday Island Post 1 artistamp, tied to cancel, perf 2002 ephemera, Sooty card 2002 envelope, large, five gondola 3rd anniversary AML 119 artistamps, perf, five varieties, three USPS hand cancel, two franked, cachets, USPS warning, cachets on back 2002 35 stamp, full page, gondola 3rd anniversary AML 119 artistamps, perf, five varieties, signed 2002 artwork, colored pencil, Read Archipelago for Bookaday Island Post artistamp, signed 2002 ephemera, mounted photo of pete the cat artwork 2002 30 stamp, full page, pete the brave Read Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed 2002 envelope, day of the dead project, read AML 119 Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet 2002 4 stamp, souvenir sheet, read AML 119 Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed 2002 ephemera, four early attempts at block printing, all signed, and a Coco stand-up 2002 envelope, moon M Island Post "forever denominated", read archipelago Bookaday Island Post "forever denominated" and read archipelago AML 119 Post 3 artistamps, all perf and franked, one tied to USPS hand cancel, cachets front and back 2002 15 stamp, souvenir sheet, moon M Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, #2 of 20, signed 2002 9 stamps, singles in glassine, mix of: moon M Island Post "forever denominated", read archipelago Bookaday Island Post "forever denominated" and read archipelago AML 119 Post 3 artistamps 2002 envelope, math Read Island Post 2 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, gondola AML 119 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet first edition - first printing, sticker on back 2002 20 stamp, full page, math Read Island Post 2 artistamps, perf, #6 of 10, signed 2002 4 stamps, singles in glassine, math Read Island Post 2 artistamps, perf 2002 postcard, diversity sticker tied to cancel, perf, Seuss quote and diversity stickers on back 2002 envelope, coco Coco Island Post 1 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 2002 9 stamp, souvenir sheet, coco Coco Island Post 1 artistamps, perf, signed 2002 7 stamp, strip, coco Coco Island Post 1 artistamps, perf 2002 20 stamp, full page, sun Read Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, #1 of 6, signed 2002 postcard, valentine stickers, cachets on back 2002 envelope, two varieties btd AML 119 Post and bat AML 119 Post, all "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, one franked, signed 2002 15 stamp, block, three types AML 119 Post, five varieties each, perf 2002 envelope, four lion Read Island Post 1 artistamps tied to USPS hand cancels, four varieties, perf, two candidate Read Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, one tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, two varieties, one candidate sticker on back 2002 25 stamp and sticker, full page, candidate Read Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, five varieties, #4 of 6, signed 2002 10 stamp and sticker, block, candidate Read Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, type 2, five varieties 2002 postcard, mirth of venus M Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, scissor perf, olympigs Toast Postes 2 artistamp, perf, franked, cachet, additional mirth of venus M Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp with documentation on back 2002 envelope, partial, honoring Grass Valley postal workers, six stickers, six varieties, perf 2002 4 stickers, strip, honoring Grass Valley postal workers, perf, four color varieties, signed 2002 16 sticker, block, honoring Grass Valley postal workers, four B&W varieties, partial page #6 of 10, perf 2002 20 sticker, full page, honoring Grass Valley postal workers, four B&W varieties, #5 of 10, perf 2002 20 sticker, full page, honoring Grass Valley postal workers, four hand colored varieties, #1 of 10, perf, signed 2002 postcard, bev as mary on front, cachet, horse block print on back 2003 envelope, year of the ram AML 119 Post artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf 2003 9 stamps, singles, year of the ram AML 119 Post artistamps in small envelope 2003 postcard, coco as mary C Island artistamp, tied to cancel, franked, solstice cachet, signed 2003 envelope, bev BTD Island 1 artistamp, perf, franked, hand colored cachet 2003 9 stamp, souvenir sheet, bev BTD Island Post 1 artistamps, perf, signed 2003 6 stamps, singles in glassine, bev BTD Island Post 1 artistamps, perf 2003 envelope, Thomas Trump sticker, perf, franked, cachet 2003 ephemera, bev's family history related to military 2003 envelope, four mister dog stickers, perf, two tied to cancel, all four franked, four varieties, cachet, signed 2003 8 stamp, block, mister dog stickers, perf, four varieties, signed 2003 envelope, two spring Read Island Post 37 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, two varieties, one franked, walt sticker, franked, cachet 2003 envelope, pancake Mary sticker tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, cachet 2003 13 sticker, full page, Marys, perf, thirteen varieties 2003 envelope, two kids AML 119 Post 4 artistamps, one tied to USPS hand cancel, one franked, two varieties, perf, first edition, first printing 2003 8 stamp, souvenir sheet, two kids AML 119 Post 4 artistamps, perf, #1 of 50, signed 2003 envelope, partial, six tuesday Read Island Post artistamps, five varieties, perf, cachet 2003 30 stamp, full page, tuesday Read Island Post artistamps, perf, #1 of 7, signed 2003 envelope, USPS first day issue Southeastern Lighthouses pictorial cancel, unopened, CC Island Read Archipelago Lighthouse 2 artistamp, perf, B Island franked, offset cachet, 4 stamp Read Lighthouse souvenir sheet enclosed, perf, 2003 envelope, falala Pictia Poste 47 artistamp, perf, mirth and passion Moon Post 9 artistamp, roulette, swap Carving Consortium 75 artistamp, scissor perf, peace Loon Island "forever denominated" artistamp, scissor perf, cachet 2003 15 sticker, block, holiday themes, perf, five varieties, signed 2003 envelope, stitched, unopened 2004 envelope, lucy sticker, celebrate and pals BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, all perf and franked, one tied to USPS hand cancel, two tied to machine cancel 2004 ephemera, 3 cards, documentation for lucy, celebrate and pals 2004 envelope, kermit BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp, scissor perf, franked 2004 publication, documentation for annoying creatures artistamp call, 20 pages, artistamps included, spiral bound, glossy color cover, 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 2004 postcard, laughing nun sticker, artwork on back, signed 2004 envelope, year of the monkey BTDPost 119 artistamp, perf, cachet 2004 ephemera, YOTM card, cachet 2004 valentine sticker tied to cancel 2004 postcard, carb slim BTD Post 1 artistamp, scissor perf 2004 envelope, homage to Captain Kangaroo from BTD Island Post, four CK stickers, two tied to cancel, two franked 2004 10 sticker, souvenir sheet, perf, signed 2004 ephemera, documentation about Bob Keeshan and the stickers created as an homage 2004 postcard, gloria Mari Mail 57 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, dee Mari Mail PL 90 artistamp, perf, early Bev photo on back 2004 envelope, 5 star sticker tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet 2004 ephemera, three offsets on cardstock 2004 postcard, earthday project, eat weeds BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp, perf, cachet, recipe on back 2004 envelope, spring cleaning sticker tied to cancel, perf, cachet 2004 sticker, spring cleaning, perf, signed 2004 5 stickers, strip, sharks hockey, perf, signed 2004 envelope, rapid transit BTD Island 1 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet 2004 4 stamp, strip, rapid transit BTD Island 1 artistamps, perf 2004 envelope, all you need sticker tied to cancel, cachet 2004 10 stamp, block, all you need stickers, perf 2004 envelope, rockwell kent BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet 2004 5 stamp, strip, rockwell kent BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed 2004 ephemera, documentation on Rockwell Kent 2004 envelope, four different Moby Dick stickers, two tied to cancel, one franked, imperf on self adhesive, cachet 2004 20 stamp and sticker, full page, carved painted and drawn images from 2001-2003, drawn perf, 20 varieties 2004 postcard, heidelberg BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp, scissor perf, franked, note on back, signed 2004 postcard, joke BTD Island Post 49 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, inserted into USPS envelope after the sorter spindled, mangled and mutilated it, unopened 2004 envelope, unbirthday, three books BTD Island Post artistamps, one tied to cancel, two franked, three varieties and denominations 2004 9 stamp, souvenir sheet, books BTD Island Post artistamps, nine varieties and denominations, perf, signed 2004 envelope, this is an artistamp BTD Island Post 37 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 2004 ephemera, offset invitation to attend anniversary party 2004 postcard, kermit BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, cachet 2004 envelope, Dr. Seuss USPS first day cover program, seuss BTD Island Post 1 artistamp, perf, franked, unopened 2004 4 stamp, souvenir sheet, seuss BTD Island Post 1 artistamps, perf, four varieties, signed, in unopened envelope 2004 envelope, cierra marie davis BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp, perf, USPS first day of issue program American Choreographers, pictorial cancel, cachet, unopened 2005 envelope, year of the rooster BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, offset cachet 2005 ephemera, offset card, cachet, note from Bev, signed 2005 envelope, two valentine BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, one tied to cancel, both franked, two varieties, let the sun in BTD Island Post 5 triangular artistamp, perf, cache, valentine BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamp on back 2005 8 stamp , block, valentine BTD Island Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed 2005 ephemera, note from B. Anne Envelope, signed 2005 postcard, gutenberg sticker tied to cancel, perf, library card application on back
approx 50 additional single artistamps and stickers
Update4 Mary Beth Dodson - USA Inka Isles Vasco da Gamaland Pony Express Press AMLP73
2001 postcard, 2nd anniversary AMLP73 2L artistamp tied to cancel, imperf, cachet, buffalo bill and grandson Pony Express Press 5 artistamp, imperf and 2nd anniversary AMLP73 2L artistamp, perf, variety, adhered to back 2001 envelope with documantation for the first Inka Isles artistamp issues enclosed with Buffalo Bill and Granson artwork 2001 envelope, saluting the sandwich isles Inka Isles 11 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 2001 saluting the sandwich isles Inka Isles 11 artistamp, perf, adhered to presentation documentation card 2001envelope, large, partial, 2nd anniversary AMLP73 2L artistamp and Inka Isles sticker, scissor perf, franked, additional Inka Isles sticker, scissor perf, cachet 2002 postcard, 3rd anniversary AMLP73 3L artistamp, cachet, rerun Pony Express Press 2 artistamp, scissor perf and local post Inka Isles "forever denominated" artistamp adhered to back 2003 postcard, humming bird Inka Isles "forever denominated" artistamp, imperf, note from Mary Beth, signed 2003 envelope, 4th anniversary AMLP73 4L artistamp tiied to USPS hand cancel, cachet 2003 4 stamp, strip lures Inka Isles 7 artistamps, perf, two varieties 2003 11 stamps, singles, various Inka Isles and AMLP73 artistamps
Update3 Jeffrey Friederichsen - USA Jeffrey DiXon DiXon
1993 envelope, large partial, two land speed record vehicles DiXon 38 artistamps, perf, one franked, cachet 1993 land speed record vehicle DiXon 38 artistamp in glassine, perf 1993 ephemera, note from Jeff, signed 1994 postcard, this stamp is for sale DiXon 2 artistamp tied to cancel, imperf, note from Jeff, signed, two pousse-cafe DiXon artistamps adhered to back, two varieties and denominations, one franked and a haha sticker, franked, all perf, cachet 1995 envelope, two land speed record vehicles DiXon 99 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, two varieties, DADA sticker front and back, perf, cachet on back 1996 postcard, two different stickers, one tied to cancel, perf, inscribed, signed, thumbprint artwork on back
Update3 Kelley Dunwoody - USA Isle of Clark AMLP185
2004 postcard, year of the green monkey AMLP185 67 artistamp, usps hand canceled and machine franked, scissor perf, cachet, artwork and document on back 2004 postcard, sewn acetate on cardstock, a fish tail Isle of Clark 67 artistamp hand canceled, scissor perf, cachet, poem and document on back, #9 of 12, signed 2004 envelope, vitruvian man Isle of Clark 67 artistamp, scissor perf, hand made envelope 2004 presentation card with vitruvian man Isle of Clark 67 artistamp, scissor perf, commemorating Leonado d'Vinci, #9 of 10, signed 2004 envelope, two Postal Stamp stickers, hand canceled, cachet, presentation card with documentation and wristbacd for livestrong 2004 envelope, tybee island lighthouse Commemorative Faux Poste 67 artistamp, scissor perf, franked, USPS first day of issue program Southeastern Ligthouses, cachet on back, glassine with additional tybee island lighthouse Commemorative Faux Poste 67 artistamp, scissor perf and documentation artwork inserted 2005 postcard, april fools Isle of Clark 67 artistamp tied to cancel, franked, note from Kelley, april fool artwork on back
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