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Update3 David Cammack- USA Zero Post USA AMLP71
2001 envelope, 4 USA 34 artistamps, one tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachets front and back, sticker, small glassine with two second anniversary AMLP71 2 artistamps and a work makes you free sticker, all scissor perf 2001 ephemera, poetry bookmark 2001 postcard, two Zero Post 0 artistamps, scissor perf, franked, FDC cachet, artwork on back 2001 envelope, gun USA 20 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf and imperf, franked, FDC AML cachets 2001 77 stamp, full page, gun USA 20 artistamps, imperf, two varieties, signed 2001 ephemera, note from David, signed 2001 postcard, camoflauged cross USA 34 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, 3 various stickers, scissor perf, franked, AML FDC cachet, artwork on back, signed 2001 envelope, carrots USA 300 artistamp, scissor perf and imperf, franked, cachets front and back 2001 5 artistamps, singles, adhered to matboard, two gun USA 20, (two varieties), israel USA 34 and two explosive issues USA 80 artistamps (two varieties), all scissor perf and imperf, cachet on back 2001 postcard, lying drunk Zero Post 13 artistamp, War Stamp sticker, both tied to cancel, scissor perf and franked, FDC cachet, Drunk Liar bush baby artwork on back, #3 of 15, signed 2001 envelope, gun USA 20 artistamp, scissor perf and imper, franked, cachet on back 2001 9 stamp, souvenir sheet, lick it USA 20 artistamps commemorating Timothy Leary, imperf 2001 ephemera, letter and pics documenting artistamps in "first thursday" artwalk show, signed 2001 postcard, three war weapons USA 34 artistamps, two tied to cancel, scissor perf and imperf, franked, cachet, note from David, signed, flag artwork on back, signed 2001 envelope, vellum 2001 artwork, bandaged puzzle 2001 sticker, single, concrete poetry, #10 of 12, in glassine, perf 2001 60 stamp, full page, ghost towers USA 34 artistamps, imperf, signed 2001 envelope, nike 34 QR Code sticker, scissor perf, cachets 2001 20 stickers, singles, 4 varieties of QR Code stickers, scissor perf and imperf 2001 sticker, single Radioactive class 7 self-adhesive sticker, imperf 2001 12 stickers, full page, Want Strong Kids, imperf, #2 of 25, signed 2001 ephemera, note from David, signed 2001 postcard, second anniversary AMLP71 2 artistamp, two house USA 34 artistamps (one tied to cancel) and a Hail to the Thief sticker, all scissor perf, FDC cachet, #13 of 65, collage artwork on back 2001 envelope, tank USA 34 artistamp tied to cancel, franked, No War sticker, franked, both scissor perf and imperf, 2001 10 stamps, singles, small glassine with war weapons USA 34 artistamps, scissor perf and imperf 2001 ephemera, 4 art cards, War/Peace 2001 4 stickers, Laboratory Specimen 2001 postcard, two international Zero Post 0 artistamps and a 0 sticker, all scissor perf and franked, signed, cowgirl lunger artwork on back
Update3 Wendy Chaiken - USA Terrart AMLP57
2000 postcard, vellum, first anniversary AMLP57 1L artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, pierce perf, additional first anniversary AMLP57 1L artistamp under plastic adhered to back, pierce perf, cachet 2001 postcard, dancing in the trees Terrart 57 artistamp tied to cancel, dancing in the trees Terrart 57 artistamp artwork adhered to back, note from Wendy, signed 2001 envelope, cachet, 2nd anniversary AMLP157 2L artistamp adhered to back, imperf, franked, 2001 3 stamp, strip, 2nd anniversary AMLP157 2L artistamps, imperf 2001 chapbook, The Sir Nigel Stamp Tale documents Sir Nigel the guardian of ancient statues, 2nd anniversary AMLP157 2L artistamp adhered inside, six pages 2002 postcard, day of the dead AMLP157 10 artistamp, scissor perf, cachet, additional day of the dead AMLP157 10 artistamp adhered to back over "spirts" artwork, imperf 2002 postcard, self-portrait Terrart 57 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, self-portrait stamp document on back with artwork 2002 postcard, 3rd anniversary AMLP57 3L artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, sorter damage, pre-printed 3rd anniversary AMLP57 3L artistamps on back with document, three varieties 2003 postcard, 4th anniversary AMLP57 4L artistamps, one tied to cancel, scissor perf and imperf, four varieties, 4th anniversary stamp document on back with artwork
Update3 Stephanie Chao - USA Cygnet Post AMP143
2002 postcard, folded presentation, yes Cygnet Post 143 artistamp adhered to inside, scissor perf 2002 postcard, third anniversary AMLP143 3L artistamp, scissor perf, "INK" artwork on back 2002 postcard, folded presentation, cachet, day of the dead Cygnet Post 22 artistamp in presentation frame adhered inside, scissor perf 2002 postcard, cachet, self-portrait Cygnet Post 22 artistamp adhered to back, scissor perf 2002 postcard, folded, chang er Sygnet Post 22 artistamp hand canceled, cachet inside with documentation on the mid-autumn festival legend of Chang Er 2003 envelope, cynara cardunculus Cygnet Post 22 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, additional cynara cardunculus Cygnet Post 22 artistamp, large variety, scissor perf, sorter damage, presentation card with additional cynara cardunculus Cygnet Post 22 artistamp adhered, scissor perf, large variety, artichoke thistle documentation on card 2003 postcard, year of the ram Cygnet Post 22 artistamp, sorter damage. year of the ram artwork on back 2003 postcard, tired old santa Cygnet Post 22 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, ho ho ho artwork on back 2003 envelope, 4th anniversary AMLP143 4 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, cachet, presentation card with four 4th anniversary AMLP143 4 artistamps adhered inside, cachet 2004 postcard, day of the dead Cygnet Post 22 artistamp, scissor perf, franked, cachet, note from Stephanie, signed, dancing skeletons artwork on back 2004 envelope, year of the monkey Cygnet Post 22 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, cachet, presentation card with small red envelope holding stamp booklet with two year of the monkey Cygnet Post 22 artistamps varieties, purple and greeen, scissor perf, presentation card is inscribed and signed 2004 envelope, cat in the hat Cygent Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to USPS Dr. Seuss first day of issue hand cancel program, perf, cachet, presentation card with cachet and "stamp in the hat" booklet with cat in the hat Cygent Post "forever denominated" artistamp inserted 2004 envelope, george balanchine commemorative Cygent Post 22 artistamp tied to USPS American Choreographers first day of issue hand cancel program, scissor perf, cachet, swan sticker on back, presentation card with Tanaquil Le Clercq sticker inserted amd george balanchine commemorative Cygent Post 22 artistamp inserted on back, both scissor perf
Update1 Carol Chapel - USA Letter C Fern Post Office AMLP 150
2002 envelope, two pairs Fern Post Office 2P artistamp, tied to cancel, cachet 2002 9 stamp, block, eliza Fern Post 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2002 envelope, day of the dead Fern Post 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet 2002 6 stamp, block, day of the dead Fern Post 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf, commemorating Buffy, slayer of the undead 2002 envelope, united in diversity Fern Post 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet 2002 6 stamp, block, united in diversity Fern Post 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2002 envelope, self portrait Fern Post Office AML 150 artistamp tied to cancel, color variety, cachet 2002 6 stamp, block, self portrait Fern Post Office AML 150 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf, five B&W varieties 2003 envelope, day of the dead Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamp tied to machine and hand cancel, scissor perf, franked 2003 two stamp, strip, day of the dead Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf, in glassine 2003 postcard, AML 4th anniversary Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, drawn perf and scissor perf, franked, stamp design artwork on back 2003 envelope, wright brothers commemorative Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf 2003 ephemera, art card with note from Carol, signed 2003 envelope, keiko commemorative Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet 2003 4 stamp, block, keiko Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2003 envelope, wright brothers commemorative Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, envelope in the shape of partly folded paper airplane, artistamp folded front to back, unopened 2003 envelope, year of the ram Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, cachet, signed 2003 4 stamp, block, year of the ram Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2003 envelope, war is not the answer cachet 2003 6 stamp, block, attack iraq NO! Fern Post "forever denominated" artistamps, part unique electro-burn perf, part scissor perf 2003 ephemera, note from Carol, signed 2004 envelope, on cobblestones yet Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet 2004 ephemera, note from Carol, signed 2004 envelope, year of the monkey sticker tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, cachet 2004 4 sticker, block, year of the monkey, two varieties 2004 postcard, showcasing Keith Bates "mail art" font with some design help from Carol, signed note 2004 moon bush Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, cachet 2004 4 stamp, block, moon bush Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf, commemorating lunacy 2004 envelope, war to end all wars Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel with protest flag stamp, scissor perf, franked, cachet 2004 4 stamp, block, war to end all wars Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2004 envelope, spring Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked 2004 various stamps, moon bush, spring, year of the monkey and an oval western bluebird Fern Post Office 1.50, all scissor perf 2004 envelope, brother ray! Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamp tied to cancel, cachet 2004 4 stamp, block, brother ray! Fern Post Office 1.50 artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2005 envelope, attack iraq NO! Fern Post "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, franked, art saves lives cachet 2005 6 stamp, block, attack iraq NO! Fern Post "forever denominated" artistamps, part imperf, part scissor perf 2005 6 sticker, block, special delivery, part imperf, part scissor perf 2006 envelope, bingo soul sold oil Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamp tied to cancel, perf, 2,000 U.S. Dead in Iraq sticker tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet 2006 4 stamp, block, bingo soul sold oil Fern Post Office "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, two varieties 2006 5 sticker, 4 in a strip, one single, 2,000 U.S. Dead in Iraq, note from Carol in the selvage of the single, signed 2007 envelope, 3,000 U.S. Dead in Iraq sticker tied to cancel, perf, franked, life drawing sketchbook sticker, perf 2007 4 sticker, block, 3,000 U.S. Dead in Iraq, note from Carol in the selvage, signed 2007 3 stamp, strip, first bird Fern Post Office 7 artistamps, perf 2009 envelope, recapturing my flag Fern Post Office 150 artistamp, perf, franked, cachet, additional artistamp enclosed 2009 ephemera, political statement receipe for "Baked Alaska"
Update1 Carl Chew - USA C.T. Chew Jack of Stamps Triangle Post TRI Malorca Red Ball Discus *** FedEx delivered my copy of Carl's artistamp book, "Triangle Post", several days ago. I finally opened it last night 12/19/14 (delayed gratification only produces limited benefits, at best). It appears that I now have "source code" for most, if not all, of the artistamps he has sent my way. So I will return to this list soon with updated catalog entries that reflect accurate descriptions and dates. Additionally, there are many "singles" for which I had no previous reference. I will list those as well. Patience, young perfers. If you can not abide with my dalliances, I invite you to purchase your own copy. You wont regret gifting yourself. Miss Lulu down to the general has a few left just sittin on the counter I do believe.
1980 ephemera, letter to Carl from Scarlatina Lust and Alex TorridZone Igloo, Smegma The Magazine letterhead, March 7, 1989, signed 1981- circa, 25 stamp, full page, Homage to Nirmal Kaur, Tipolabet, various denominations, 2 sizes, perf, signed, TRI printed in selvage 1982- circa 12 stamp, full page, Chew's Whitney Museum Business cards, partial perf, signed 1984 ephemera, two copies of Stamp World, newsprint, 2 color process, 8 pages, (found in envelopes), signed 1987 ephemera, Farouk Hami poster, bandaged hand cachet, signed, 11 x 17, folded 1991 ephemera, Nepal Color selections for Chew rugs, used as perforation backing sheet 1992 proposal, "C.T. Chew's Stamps & Stories", three pages illustrated by three applied artistamps, a short background on his artistamps and a proposal for a collaboration 1992 24 stamp, full page, E.F. Higgins & C.T. Chew commem for A/NTPEX artistamp show, Triangle Post 5, perf 1992 4 stamp, souvenir sheet, E.F. Higgins & C.T. Chew commem for A/NTPEX artistamp show, Triangle Post 5, drop perf, signed 1992- circa, ephemera, copy of NPR interview of C.T. Chew on Triangle Post and artistamps 1993 publication, C.T. Chew Annual Report, includes edited transcript of interview by NPR, 4 pages, 8 1/2 x 14 1993 envelope, chew holiday Triangle Post 70 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, Chew Baba cachet, first day of issue 1993 28 stamp, full page, chew holiday Triangle Post 70 artistamps, perf, signed 1993 envelope, cover for MARS Expo note, cache Kathmanchew, "new address" 1993 ephemera, note from Chew regarding MARS Expo on Kathmanchew stationary, signed 1993 envelope, cover for My Favorite Martian artistamp, Triangle Post 29 tied to cancel, perf 1993 16 stamp, full page, my favorite martian Triangle Post 29 artistamps, perf, homage to MARS Expo artistamp show, signed 1993 envelope, cover for Spider Triangle artistamp for MARS Expo artistamp show, five different franked Triangle Post 29 artistamps tied to cancel, cachet 1993 ephemera, photo of Chew circa age 8 with bumbershoot inked on forehead, signed 1993 ephemera, Chew artwork and note paper with adhered Triangle Post 29 Favorite Martian stamp, perf 1993 publication, 2 copies Aldus Magazine, September/October 1993, featuring 4 page article on C.T. Chew and a sheet of his artistamps as the cover art, like new 1993 30 stamp, full page, spider Triangle Post 29 artistamps, perf, for MARS Expo artistamp show, signed 1994 24 stamp, full page, pals Triangle Post 29 & Doo Da Post 5 artistamps, perf, C.T. Chew & E.F. Higgins III, signed, #234 1994 25 stamp, full page, raven brings light Triangle Post 29 artistamps, perf, signed 1994 postcard, unmailed, featuring photo of Chew's Big Chili rug 1994 postcard, mailed, featuring photo of one of Chew's Carmen rug and details of available artistamps 1994 ephemera, Mia Gallery brochure featuring C.T. Chew 1994 ephemera, promo Mia Gallery brochure featuring 2 C.T. Chew rugs, 8 1/2 x 11 1994 postcard, unmailed, Mia Gallery featuring photo of C.T. Chew and one of his elephant rugs 1994 42 stamp, full page, self portrait Triangle Post 28 1/2 artistamps, perf, #13 of 100, signed 1995 envelope, partial, cover for Bandaged Hand issue, eleven Triangle Post bandaged hand artistamps, perf, franked, two tied to cancel, 8 1/2 x 11 1995 36 stamp, full page, bandaged hand Triangle Post artistamps, various denominations, perf, signed 1995 15 stamp, full page, great lakes lightfish artistamps, Special Triangle Post & Doo Da Post Combined Post "forever denominated" artistamp, perf, signed by Chew and Higgins #12 of 16 1996- circa, envelope, unmailed, Triangle Post 11 artistamp with chew signature on stamp, perf, franked, first day of issue, cachet Le Extinction des Arts for Whatcom Museum of History and Art 1996- circa, envelope, unmailed, cachet Le Extinction des Arts pretend lecture 1997 envelope, cover for Joki homage artistamp, Found Objects sticker, Triangle Post 6 and three Triangle Post 5 artistamps tied to cancel, perf 1997 20 stamp, full page, bon voyage joki Triangle Post 6 artistamps, perf, homage to Joseph Klaffki, signed 1997 24 stamp, full page, fun post Triangle Post 29 artistamps, perf, signed Chew '05 1997 envelope, cover for Fun Post issue, Triangle Post 3 and Discus 6 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, CIRA cachet, first day of issue, signed 1997 20 stamp, full page, ray johnson cargo cult Triangle Post 32 artistamps, perf, signed Chew '05 1997 25 stamp, full page, st. chiaroscuro Triangle Post 32 artistamps, perf, signed Chew '05 1998 36 stamp, full page, symbolical adult Triangle Post "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed Chew '05 2004- circa, 32 stamp, full page, prehistoric Triangle Post, various denominations, perf, in memoriam Pierpont Morgan, signed Chew '05` 2004- circa, ephemera, photograph of Prehistoric Post Office 2005 DVD, Sacrifice of the Prehistoric Post Office, "Official DVD" 2005 package, partial cardboard cover for the Prehistoric Post Office mailing, eight various Triangle Post artistamps, perf, franked, signed, approx 9 x 11 2005 envelope, cover for Cinderella Planet issue, one Malorca and three Triangle Post artistamps tied to cancel, all perf and franked, "The Video Dig" cachet, signed, 9 x 12 2005 30 stamp, full page, cinderella planet Triangle Post 37 artistamps, perf, signed 2005 envelope, cover for St. Chiaroscuro issue, first day issue, franked Doo Da Post and Triangle Post artistamps tied to cancel, perf, cachet 2005 reprint of 1979 edition, 48 stamp, full page, Red Ball 2 Triangle Post artistamps, perf, homage to Edwin Diggs, signed Chew '05 2005 envelope, cover for Jack of Stamps issue, first day issue, three Triangle Post artistamps tied to cancel, all perf and franked, color cachet, signed 2005 42 stamp, full page, jack of stamps Triangle Post 30 artistamps, perf, signed 2005 20 sticker, reprint of 1977 issue, full page, Chickens, perf, signed Chew '05 2005 envelope, cover for Cinderella Train Disaster, Triangle Post 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, large collaged cachet with Glass Slipper frank, signed 2005 25 stamp, full page, cinderella train disaster Triangle Post 6 artistamps, perf, signed 2005 envelope, cover for Dr. Mandala issue, franked Triangle Post 22 and eleven Triangle 51 artistamps, perf, signed 2005 25 stamp, full page, dr. mandala gold metallic Triangle Post 20 artistamps, perf, signed 2005 25 stamp, full page, dr. mandala silver metallic Triangle Post 20 artistamps, perf, signed 2005 envelope, cover for 1984 edition of Chew's "Stamp World" publication, one "A Constant State of Deterioration" 33, a Triangle 11 and five Bumbershoot 82 artistamps (four are in a mint block with series#), all artistamps are perf and franked and four are tied to cancel, spider cache, signed, 9 x 12 2005 envelope, cover for 1984 edition of Chew's "Stamp World", five various Triangle Post artistamps, all artistamps are perf and franked and four are tied to cancel, zeropost cache, signed, 9 x 12 2005 envelope, cover for Triangle Antilogical issue, Los Tigres de Polka C.T. Chew sticker tied to cancel, cachet and franked "X" overprint, signed 2005 12 stamp, full page, antilogical Triangle Post 10 artistamps, perf, triangle antilogical "X" overprint,signed 2005 envelope, cover for homage to Pegasus-51 issue, three Triangle Post 51 artistamps, perf and franked, first day of issue, cachet, signed 2005 48 stamp, full page, homage to pegasus-51 Triangle Post 51 artistamps, perf, artist's proof, signed Chew '05 2005 envelope, partial, unmailed, cover for Delirium Postes issue, seventeen artistamps from various issuing authorities, perf, franked, kathmanchew cachet, 8 1/2 x 12 2005 reprint of 1984 edition, 25 stamp, full page, delirium postes Triangle Post 20 artistamps, artistamp producer homage, dada drop perfed, signed 2005 postcard, unmailed, gobe mouches, signed 2005 envelope, cover for Philatelic Dog Chews issue, Triangle Post 6 and Uwannalan artistamps with +2 overprints tied to cancel, perf, first day of issue, cachet, signed "Happy Eggland" 2005 20 stamp, full page, philatelic dog chews Triangle Post 38 artistamps, +2 overprint, perf, signed 2005 ephemera, unsent C.T. Chew envelope with color cache describing alien body parts 2005 envelope, four Triangle Post 51 artistamps, perf, franked, Carl Chew Rugs sticker 2006 envelope, cover for Cephalopex '42 used to enclose Cargo Cult issue, two Tri Cephalopex artistamps tied to cancel, perf and franked, first day of issue, cachet with X overprint, signed 2006 ephemera, ebay summary for Ray Johnson Cargo Cult stamps 2006 12 stamp, booklet, Official 1942 stamps for Cephalopex, three different souvenir sheets of four stamps each,Triangle Post, denominated 1 thru 4, perf, signed cachet of Happy Eggland in Memoriam, signed Chew inside front cover 2006 envelope, cover for Cephalopex '42 booklet, two Malorca artistamps tied to cancel, perf and franked, Triangle first day of issue, signed cachet of Happy Eggland, signed Chew at bottom 2006 ephemera, ebay summary for Cephalopex stamps 2006 envelope, large, eight peking man alpha/numeric Triangle Post 6 artistamps, perf, franked, eight varieties, seven with overprint strikes, arranged in arc spelling Pegasus 51, farouk hami Triangle Post 39 artistamp, perf, franked, cachet, signed 2006 envelope, inner, Harland "Happy" Eggland cachet 2006 25 stamp, full page, chew chooses to chew Triangle Post artistamps, perf, 25 varieties and denominations, signed 2006 postcard, 1934 antilogical surrealists, artwork on back, unmailed 2006 envelope, large, 10 commemorative Trian Gulo Post artistamps, four tied to cancel, all perf and franked, 10 varieties and denominations, pegasus cachet, first day of issue, signed 2006 49 stamp, full page, pegasus Trian Gulo Post 51 artistamps, perf, signed, three stamps franked 2006 21 stamp, block, pegasus Trian Gulo Post 51 artistamps, perf 2006 6 stamp, strip, pegasus Trian Gulo Post 51 artistamps, perf 2006 envelope, gregoryomia byrdostes Malorca Post 15 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, cachet, first day of issue, signed, farouk hami Triangle Post 39 artistamp backstamped, perf 2006 envelope, returned mail 1981 forwarded to toast 2006, peking man Triangle Post 6 artistamp tied to cancel many times, perf, wardrobe of Peking Man cachet, signed on back, unopened 2007 envelope, pray ray Triangle Post 39 artistamp, perf, franked, cachet, first day of issue 2007 ephemera, Holy Sites/Pray Ray poster, signed, 11x 14 2012 envelope, tri color touped warbler Trian Gulo 45 artistamp tied to cancel, large variety, perf, franked, cachet, note on back, signed 2012 28 stamp, full page, tri color touped warbler Trian Gulo 45 artistamps, perf, signed 2012 envelope, arky of toast? AARPEX 45 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, first day of issue, cachet 2012 25 stamp, full sheet, AARPEX 45 artistamps, perf, signed 2012 ephemera, note from Carl, signed 2012 postcard, aarpy AARPEX 45 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, AARPEX invite, artwork on back
approx 350 additional single artistamps, approx 15 additional ephemera - major works and additional stamps in tubes elsewhere
Update1 Buster Cleveland - USA - sent (James Trenholm) ART FOR UM
1993 envelope, bugs bunny lucky strike Artforum cover artistamp tied to cancel, imperf, cachet 1993 ephemera, ART FOR UM subscription form 1993 joe camel Artforum cover artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, imperf, ART FOR UM mounted on styrofoam with April 1980 Artforum cover collage on back (futuristic Lucky Strike Ray Johnson bunny)
Update2 Joan Coderre - USA Arte Ala Carte Post AAC Poste
1993 postcard, two stickers, note from Joan, signed 1994 20 stamp, full page, domino theory Arte Ala Carte Post 36 artisamps, perf, 20 varieties, #39 of 40, signed 1994 24 stamp, full page, domino theory III Arte Ala Carte Poste 36 artistamps, perf, #91 of 100, signed 1995 25 stamp, full page, subliminal zone chronicles AAC Poste 37 artistamps, perf, five varieties, signed 1996 envelope, democratic technology Seattle Community Network free artistamp tied to cancel, perf 1996 6 stamps, singles, various issues 1996 ephemera, copies of articles covering Joan’s “Tea Party” mail art exhibit 1996 envelope, three stickers, perf 1996 12 stamp, full page, map rap trap AAC Poste 38 artistamps, drawn perf, signed 1996 ephemera, note from Joan, signed 1997 25 stamp, partial sheet, the neon heart healer AAC 97 artistamps, perf, #1 of 12, signed 1998 45 stamp, full page, reissue, the neon heart healer AAC 97 artistamps, perf, #2 of 12, 37 varieties, signed 2000 envelope, cool stickers
Update1 Barbara Cooper - USA - sent Babzilla Fine Art Rorschach Test (FART)
1993 envelope, two networker stickers on back, imperf, collage, insomnia 1995 envelope, partial, piquant pepper label, imperf, cachet 1995 12 stamp, Networker Post, perf, #45 of 100 1995 envelope, partial, no sense sticker, imperf, collage, cachet 1995 envelope, partial, retail slut Rorschach 5 artistamp and safe sex Metal Dog 29 artistamp, both imperf and tied to cancel, cachet 1995 ephemera, 5 color copies of Barbara Cooper artwork 1995 postcard, doggy delivery Rorschach 5 artistamp, pierce perf, sticker and "a toast to you" artwork and cachets 1995 envelope, never naked, blue stamp sticker tied to cancel, imperf 1995 envelope, partial, zak Rorschach 5 artistamp, imperf 1995 envelope, I am a member sticker, TAM 25 artistamp on back, imperf 1996 envelope, pop tarts don't panic, cachet 1996 ephemera, large card and four photos of babz' animal life and artwork and letter, signed 1996 envelope, rejoice in colour 4 artistamp on back, imperf 1996 envelope, pop tarts nun, cachet 1996 ephemera, large card and about a dozen photos of babz' animal life and artwork 1996 postcard, note from Barbara, signed 1996 envelope, post painting sticker on back, perf, homeworld Toast Postes 96 artistamp on back, perf 1996 ephemera, letter on personal stationary, signed 1996 envelope, secret, cachet 1996 ephemera, large card and seven photos of babz' animal life 1996 envelope, partial, vergif sticker 1996 ephemera, personal check for two trillion dollars from Babzilla 1996 envelope, oolong Tea 32 artistamp, imperf and babzilla Rorschach 1 artistamp, perf, both tied to cancel, cachet, note from barbara on back 1996 envelope, partial, Post Flux 7-11 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 1996 ephemera, large card and a few photos of babz' animal life 1996 envelope, blue stamp sticker, imperf, Melba Poste 78 artistamp, rough perf 1996 ephemera, April 1st virtual party announcement, two babzilla Rorschach 1 artistamps adhered, perf 1996 envelope, Mona Madness 2 artistamp tied to cancel, pierce perf, sticker and cachet, oolong Tea 32 artistamp on back, pierce perf 1996 ephemera, large card and a few photos of babz' animal life 1996 envelope, weasel a free soul, cachet 1996 ephemera, large card and seven photos of babz' animal life 1997 envelope, askalice sticker, imperf 1997 ephemera, greeting card, babz artwork on cover, note inside, signed 1997 ephemera, eight photos Cooper artwork
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