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Toast Postes Artistamp Archive Publications
Stamp and Mail Art Publications - some of these listings may also be found in details of individual artists' work
1892 The Story of Our Post Office, a history of the US Postal Service from 1850 to 1890, 450 engravings, 1034 pages, hardcover, stitched, Marshall Cushing (more)
1934 Gummed Paper Suggestions, various types of paper, gum, coatings and colors, poster stamps for a range of advertising, promotion, propaganda, educational, communication interests and self-promotion, 60 pages, soft cover, Mid-States Gummed Paper Company (more)
1941 Chatham Sqaure PO, the private post office and letter carrier service operated from Chatham Square in old New York. It has illustrations of their authentic stamps, reprints, forgeries and postmarks, and maps of the routes covered, 34 pages, soft cover, J. W. Stowell, Arthur G. Hall, Elliot Perry (more)
1941 U.S. Commemorative Stamps, two volumes, artistic insights into the creation of each commemorative stamp throughout the 50 year time period covered. The books detail the various stamp artists, their subject treatments, the attention to supporting graphic detail and in some cases, creative documentation from start to finish, approx 700 pages, hard cover, Max G. Johl (more)
1955 - circa, Basic Philately - The Art and Craft of Stamp Making, 88 pages, hard cover, L.N. & M. Williams
1963 Fancy Cancelations on Nineteenth Century Postage Stamps, 288 pages, hard cover, Herman Hearst, Jr. (more)
1965 The Paper Snake, poetry by Ray Johnson, 48 pages plus 4 page insert by original publisher Dick Higgins, hard cover, stitched, 10 3/4 x 9, 2014 Siglio reprint of 1,840 books, Raymond Edward Johnson
1966 The Stamp Collector's Guidebook of Watermarks and Perforations, 246 pages, hard cover, Ervin J. Felix (more)
1967 Ellington - Zwisler Rocket Mail Catalog, volume 1, 1904-1967, catalog of mail projects and artistamps associated with early rocket flight, 245 pages, hard cover, Jesse T. Ellington and Perry F. Zwisler
1973 Ellington - Zwisler Rocket Mail Catalog, volume 2, 1968-1972, additional Listings discovered and created since publication of volume 1, 168 pages, hard cover, a publication of the American Air Mail Society, edited by Perry F. Zwisler (more)
1973 Esquire Magazine, August 1973, vol.80 no.2, Arts Without Letters, two pages featuring work of Donald Evans with illustrations, damaged spine, 8 x 11
1973 Specialized Catalog of U.S. Stamps, specialized information on US postage, but additionally details on subjects like revenues, first day covers, consular fee stamps, embossed stamps, envelopes, private die proprietary, excise tax stamps, permit stamps, proofs, specimens, local post stamps and on and on. It is rich in the detail of US stamps that you do not normally find anywhere else, 753 pages, soft cover, Scott Publishing Co. (more)
1975 Treasury of Stamps, from clay tablets to moon mail, 303 beautiful pages, hard cover, text by David Lidman, photographs by H. Landshoff (more)
1975 Japanese Postage Stamps in the Manufacture, Japanese Government Printing Bureau collaborated by providing over 20 'Trial' stamps to showcase the variety and extent of its production capabilities. These are official government artistamps in one respect, and are beautiful limited edition stamps, 155 pages, hard cover, Editor & Publisher: Insatsukyoku Choyokai Foundation (more)
1979 Smegma the Magazine, No.3, 26 pages, mail art contributors, includes inserted full sheet of 33 self-adhesive stickers, missing record, cardstock cover, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11
1980 and 1994 The World of Donald Evans, details the progression of one of the last century’s finest stamp artists, 175 pages of wonder, soft cover, Willy Eisenhart (more)
1982 Early American Perforators And Perforations 1857-1867, history, intent, illustrations, biographical detail and schematics, 38 pages, soft cover, Winthrop S. Boggs (more)
1986 U.S. Route and Station Agent Postmarks, comprehensive look at railroad, route agents, waterway mail routs, station agents and distributing post offices. there are about 40 pages of history and over 400 pages of illustrations and identifying information, hard cover, C.L. Towle (more)
1989 Lick 'Em Stick, 'Em - The Lost Art of Poster Stamps, perhaps the best visual historical overview of artistamps that I have found to date, 96 pages, hard cover, H. Thomas Steele (more)
1990 20 Years of Fooling Around with A. Banana, chapbook, 40 pages, two artistamps adhered, 2 3/4 x 2 3/4, Anna Banana
1990 Artistamp Collector's Album, 11 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana, Jas. Felter and Robert Rudine
1991 "Umbrellas", mail art documentation in conjunction with Christo's Umbrella project, Mark Greenfield intro, 3 pages of Christo documentation, 9 copy art pages, 6 original works and list of participants, cardstock cover, plastic spine, 8 1/2 x 12, Mark Greenfield
1991 PNAC 1991 Davidson Galleries artistamp catlog, 13 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, James Felter
The Griffin and Sabine 1991 Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence 1993 Sabine's Notebook 1993 The Golden Mean 2001 The Gryphon 2002 Alexandria How does an artist (or any individual) achieve a degree of balance and harmony between the two halves of the brain?, over 200 pages of wonderful illustrations and pullouts, hard cover, signed, Nick Bantock (more)
1991 Artistamp News, vol.1 no.1, Banana Productions, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1992 Nomo-The-Zine, October 1992, 14 pages, folded, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, Rudi Rubberoid
1992 Artistamp News, vol.2 no.1, Banana Productions, 8 pages, two artistamps adhered, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1992 Art Travels - Mail Art Festival, Canada Post celebration of Stamp Month with the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Sept, 16 - Oct. 31, 1992, 100 pages. spiral bound, like new, slight damage to vellum overlay, 8 1/2 x 11 (more)
1992 "Stampart", the Networker Congress and International Mail Art Show 1992 Issue, Stamp Art Gallery, 8 pages, cardstock cover with photograph mounted on front, stapled with cloth binding, #19 of 19, 8 1/2 x 11, Picasso Gaglione
1992 The Standard Artist Stamp Catalogue, 2nd edition, first printing, PMTTTD Corp 54 pages, 3-hole punch bound to allow update inclusions, card stock cover, 8 1/2 x 11 - 1993-1995 updates.... in blue folder, list later
1992 "Artistamps", Museo Internacionale de Neu Art, statement by Ed Varney on what defines an artistamp, 2 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
1993 Global Mail - The Hole to the Underground, January issue 4, once the clearinghouse for most everyone who needed to post a call or communicate in some way with others in the mailart network, had many, passed them along to others, Ashley Parker Owens
1993 Netshaker Postscript, copy, vol.2 iss.1, March 1993, 9 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 (more)
1993 Collective Copy, September-December 1993 edition, original found art, collaged cardstock cover,105 pages, perfect bound, 8 1/4 x 11 5/8, Jürgen O. Olbrich
1993 YLEM, vol.13 no.7, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
1993 "Third International Artistamps Biennial", 25 pages, canceled Canadada artistamp on face page, Jas Felter
1993 International Directory of Artistamp Creators, approx 65 pages, Jas. Felter
1993 Copy Art: Trocken Schreiben - It's a Copy World, Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern show catalog, 47 pages, cardstock cover, perfect bound, 8 1/4 x 8 1/4, Jürgen O. Olbrich
1993 Aldus Magazine, September/October 1993, 2 copies, featuring 4 page article on C.T. Chew and a sheet of his artistamps as the cover art, like new
1993 Arte Postale no. 65 Apr/June, 23 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 7/8, #33 of 100, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
1993 "Crash Personal Stamps", 2nd volume, documentation for artistamp call, 20 pages, folded, 4 1/8 x 5 7/8, inscribed, signed, Franco Piri Focardi
1993 "Sedicions", documentation for the Mail Art Exhibition in Barcelona, inserted exhibition artistamp and Ray Johnson bunny postcard, 55 pages, cardstock cover, perfect bound, Pere Sousa
1993 Artistamp News, vol.3 no.1 & 2, Banana Productions,12 pages, eight artistamps adhered, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1993 Network: Introducing Mail Art, copy of an interview by Karen Elliot with Crackerjack Kid and Honoria, 10 pages, 7 x 8 1/2, Karen Elliot
1993 YLEM, vol.13 no.9, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
1993 Mail-Interview with Anna Banana, 8 pages, 6 x 8 1/4, Janssen
1993 International Artistamps Biennial, Davidson Gallery, 2 passports, documentation containing visa/artistamp or rubberstamp cancels from Postes Mraur, Postum Ornamentum,Toast Postes, Canadada, Noduh, Ekent Post, Bag Post, BananaPost, Kite Post, Mail Queen, Com Poste, Moon Post, Tui Tui, Triangle Post
1993 C.T. Chew's Annual Report, includes edited transcript of interview by NPR, 4 pages, 8 1/2 x 14
1993 S'MAIL global-NETWORK-zine, #3 Nov., 40 pages, acetate over cover, adhesive & tape bound, 6 x 8 1/4, Joki
1993 YLEM, vol.13 no.12, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
1994 Artistamp News, vol.4 no.1, Banana Productions, 12 pages, eight artistamps adhered, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1994 S'MAIL global-NETWORK-zine, #4, 1/1994, 40 pages, acetate over cover, adhesive & tape bound, 6 x 8 1/4, Joki
1994 Annual Report on the Postal and Semi-Postal services of the Federation of Dam Batai for the year 1993, details recognized states, government agencies and authorities whose stamps are accepted by Dam Batai Postal Authority, history of Dam Batai and states, artistamps and much more, NUVY 12 artistamp adhered to inside page 1, franked, 30 pages, cardstock cover, over 25 artistamp images copied on back cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, Jean Marc Rastorfer
1994 Artistamp News, vol.4 no.2, Banana Productions, 12 pages, seven artistamps adhered, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1994 The Art of Copy 1973 - 1994, cardstock cover, stapled, some aging, in original No-Institute envelope, 8 1/2 x 12 1/2, Jurgen O. Olbrich,
1994 Netshaker, May 21 vol.3 iss.1, two copies, includes 99 stamp, full sheet insert, Netshakers artistamps created for the AVA Gallery International Mail Art Exhibit, rouletted, Chuck Welch (more)
1994 S'MAIL global-NETWORK-zine, #5 Nov., 40 pages, acetate over cover, adhesive & tape bound, 6 x 8 1/4, Joki
1994 Umbrella, Vol. 17 no. 2, June, 34 pages, folded and stapled, Judith Hoffberg
1994 "Hommage a Kurt Schwitters", documentation for mail-art show, 72 pages, folded & stapled, Schwitters BCM 94 sticker adhered to cover, 8 1/4 x 11 3/4, Pere Sousa (more)
1994 YLEM, vol.14 no.6, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
1994 The Art of Copy Art 1973-1994, 16 pages, handmade? cardstock cover, folded and stapled, 8 3/4 x 12 1/2, in envelope, Jürgen O. Olbrich
1994 "Sometimes I Feel Like...", mail art call documentation, 18 pages, cardstock cover, folded and stapled, 5 1/2 x 4 1/4, Dorothy Harris
1995 "It's in the Mail" documentation for the exhibit, 17 different artistamps and reproductions of submissions tipped into 17 pages of docs, cardstock cover with show promo adhered to front, H S H Harley
1995 Artforum, April 1995, vol.33 no.8, Ray Johnson Remembered, Returned to Sender, six articles on 8 pages with illustrations, 10 1/2 x 10 1/2, slight front cover damage, Picasso Gaglione
1995 "The Canadada Elvis Stamp Exhibition", documentation, cardstock cover, eight pages, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
1995 "Raccontami una Fiaba", International Mail Art Project, December 1995, 5 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, taped spine
1995 S'Mail - Global Network Zine, August 1995, # 6, an homage to Ray Johnson, in artistamps, that was printed shortly after Ray’s death, acetate over cover, adhesive & tape bound, 6 x 8 1/4, Joki (more)
1995 Artistamp News, vol.5 no.1, three copies, Banana Productions, 12 pages, each has five artistamps adhered, each copy includes one Nick Bantock artistamp, Katin 4, a Sicmon Islands 8 or a TYP 7 artistamp, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1995 European Stamp Design A Semiotic Approach, there's a signpost up ahead... Must Have!, 144 nicely illustrated pages, oversized soft cover, David Scott (more)
1995 "La Tarjeta Postal en el Mail Art", documentation for the mail art exhibit, exhibition postcard adhered to cover and 2nd postcard inserted, 8 pages, folded & stapled, approx 6 x 8 1/2, mailed without envelope, Pere Sousa
1995 Save/Give - Life is Art Enough, playtime at the Kasseler Kunstverein, 40 pages, cardstock cover, perfect bound, 5 3/8 x 10 1/8, Jürgen O. Olbrich
1995 Picasso - A book and 39 Decorative stamps, 29 pages, Michel Hosszu
1995 "The First California Artistamp Exhibition", documentation for the exhibit, 17 pages,cardstock cover, folded & stapled, inscribed, #33 of 60, signed, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, Patricia Taverner
1995 Multiples und Auflagengraphiken 1989 - 1995, Galerie Siegfried Sander catalog, 125 pages, cardstock cover, perfect bound, 5 3/4 x 8 1/4, Jürgen O. Olbrich
1996 Artistamp News, vol.6 no.1, Banana Productions, 12 pages, nine artistamps adhered, final issue from Banana Productions, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
1996 Esquire Magazine, September 1996, vol.126 no.3, Stamps of Inauthenticity - Cancel with Care, two pages on artistamps with illustrations, 8 x 11
1996 Draft of the Dam Batai Ministry of Culture details on "The Micronations Page", contains two artistamps in the back, Vroom 14 franked by postal headquarters and a TADB 15 franked by the Dam Batai Mail Review, 24 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, Jean Marc Rastorfer
1996 Arte Postale no. 76 May Sept, "Scissures 1" issue, 31 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 7/8, #82 of 300, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
1996 Leonardo, vol.29 no.2, MIT Press, pages 161-162 Reviews, two MIT 21 artistamps adhered to back, perf, note from MIT, signed
1996 “Shells”, self-promotional documentation of sea shell sticker series, reduced B&W photocopies of sheets, one color sticker adhered to face page, 15 pages, folded and stapled, cardstock cover, signed, 6 x 9 1/4, Patricia Taverner
1996 Farm Pulp, no. 29 Sept/Oct, 23 pages, folded and stapled, 6 7/8 x 11, Gregory Hischak
1996 Global Mail - The Hole to the Underground, May - August issue 14, once the clearinghouse for most everyone who needed to post a call or communicate in some way with others in the mailart network, had many, passed them along to others, Ashley Parker Owens... mailart Goddess, your legacy lives on
1996 Sushi Sickness, 6 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 3/8, Vittore Baroni & John M. Bennett
1996 Arte Postale no. 77 Oct/Dec, 8 pages, folded and stapled, 5 7/8 x 8 1/4, signed, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
1997 Artistamp News, iss.9, 12 pages, #139 of 500, 8 1/2 x 11, Ed Varney
1997 “The First International Female Artistamp Exhibition”, documentation for the artistamp exhibit at The Stamp Art Gallery, 6 stamp, souvenir sheet, eyeful tower Post Banana 89 artistamps, perf, six varieties, adhered to cover, Anna Banana, 20 stamp, full page, commemorative sheet for the 1st International Wonen’s Artistamp Exhibition, perf, four varieties, bound, Darling Darlene (Alison Knowles), 35 selected exibitors with artist statements and photocopies of their work, 76 pages plus index, and cover, acetate protective cover, spiral bound, 8 1/2 x 11, #27 of 50, signed, Picasso Gaglione, John Held, Jr., Patricia Taverner
1997 "Found Love Letters", mail art call documentation, 28 pages, Cynthia Gaub
1997 World Art Post, Artistamp Museum of Artpool - Budapest, 39 pages, 26 pages are artistamp reproductions on single side, plastic overlay, stapled, in original mailed envelope, 8 x 11 1/2, signed, J&G Galantai
1997 Arte Postale no. 78 Jan/Dec, 8 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 7/8, the book sticker adhered to cover, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
1998 Artistamp News, iss.10, 16 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, Ed Varney
1998 The Republic of Dreams - A Reverie, Art is what we make of life... dreams are a part of life, hard cover, 95 illustrated pages with pullout maps, telegrams, postcards and other ephemera, G. Garfield Crimmins (more)
1999 Artistamp News, iss.11, 16 pages, Glassine envelope with 10 artistamps adhered to back page, 8 1/2 x 11, Ed Varney
1997 Capolan, Travels of a Vagabond Country, the roles we all play based upon the backdrop of the creation of stamps, Artbox set, 49 beautiful pages, 15 postcards, 1 souvenir sheet of artistamps, Nick Bantock (more)
1999 Anna's Banana Bulletin #4, 8 1/2 x11, Anna Banana
1999 "A Tea For Two at Two Forty", documentation for the artistamp mail art call by Jean Marc Rastorfer, approx 375 participants, images throughout, approx 30 contributions included with publication, 48 pages, 44 numbered as documentation, cardstock cover, stapled, personal note on title page, #99 of 150, signed
1999 "Walking the Dog", poems by Edwin Varney
1999 Ray Johnson: Correspondences, comprehensive insight, that has been lacking, into Ray's efforts, intents and pathos, eight sections, written by as many writer/artists, heavily supported by a fine collection of Ray's artwork and mail art, 224 pages, hard cover, Flammarion & Wexner Center for the Arts (more)
2000 Anna's Banana Bulletin #5, letter on back, signed, 8 1/2 x11, Anna Banana
2000 Drukwerk uit de Dwaaltuin (Stampamazed), issue 1, 14 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 1/2, Annemiek Mullenders
2000 Arte Postale no. 83 July/Dec, 18 pages, folded from single sheet, 4 x 5 7/8, #15 of 150, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
2000 Paul Effert Markendesign, his designs of 74 postage stamps are in the original draft-size and colours. Each jacket comes with one of the original stamps and is hand signed, 128 pages, hard cover, Paul Effert
2000 ARTISTAMPS / FRANCOBOLLI D'ARTISTA, book, AAA publisher, Vittore Baroni editor, Piermario Ciani cover and graphic layout, 213 pages, soft cover, perfect bound, 5 1/2 x 8 1/4, James Warren Felter
2000 Ephemera Philatelica - A Stamp Address Book, a list of 26 A-Z philatelic terms with stamp designs from 26 San Francisco Bay area AIGA graphic designers and a glassine envelope with three beautifully printed and perforated mini sheets of nine stamps each, representing the book illustrations, hard cover, 5 x 7, American Institute of Graphic Arts (more)
2001 The True Meaning of Life, 6 pages, folded and stapled, uncut, 4 x 5 3/8, Vittore Baroni & John M. Bennett
2001 The True Moaning of Life, 6 pages, folded and stapled, uncut, 4 x 5 3/8, Vittore Baroni & John M. Bennett
2001 "Blue Sky", 4 pages, 3 3/4 x 5 1/2, stapled, poetry chapbook by Edwin Varney
2001 “Erignispost ZusammenFassung”, motorgliderdropoffevent mailart project documentation, mailart parachuted over Berlin, booklet with words, images and artistamps, Uwe Bressem (more)
2001 "The Eternal Network .... Still?", printed document and CD in jewel case for mail art call and exhibit at Sandusky Cultural Center, Reid Wood
2001 Arte Postale no. 85, 23 pages, six pages are perforated artistamps and stickers, glassine envelope containing 20+ artistamps and stickers adhered to inside front cover, folded and stapled, cardstock cover, 8 1/4 x 5 7/8, #56 of 201, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
2001 Drukwerk uit de Dwaaltuin (Stampamazed), issue 2, year of the snake artistamp article and images, 14 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 1/2, Annemiek Mullenders
2002 "Year of the Horse", hand stitched artist book with documentation for the artistamp call, 20 pages, 4 1/4 x 5 3/4, copy #1, Beverly Dittberner
2002 @RtH*Le, correspondance assembling magazine, approx 20 pages, 2 artistamp sheets and others, #292, 2 hole bound, 6 x 8 1/2, Boog
2002 "Dead Mail Artists Society" tribute to Robin Crozier, six pages, stapled, 8 1/4 x 11 3/4, Vittore Baroni
2002 Anna's Banana Bulletin #9, 8 1/2 x11, Anna Banana
2002 Pumpkin Vine Creek zine, Autumn Equinox 2002, Iss. #1, 8 pages and color cover, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, folded and stapled, Amy Wilson
2002 Real Correspondence, summer 2002, 4 pages, stick boy REC 18 artistamp adhered to page 1, perf, prof. bad trip The State of Chaos 666 artistamp adhered to page 2, short note on back, signed, Vittore Baroni
2003 "If...Then...", documentation for the artistamp exhibit, 20 pages, Marvin Johnson
2002 Drukwerk uit de Dwaaltuin (Stampamazed), issue 3, 14 pages, folded and stapled, 4 x 5 1/2, Annemiek Mullenders
2002 @RtH*Le, correspondance assembling magazine, approx 20 pages, 3 artistamp sheets and others, #321, 2 hole bound, 6 x 8 1/2, Boog
2003 Banana Rag #31, Anna Banana
2003 "Tribute to Kees Franke", documentation for the mail art call, full color, cover plus 12 pages, Darlene Altschul
2003 Bank for FUN, descriptions of creative currencies from F.U.N., 32 pages, folded and stapled, 6 3/8 x 4 5/8, #242 of 400, Vittore Baroni & Piermario Ciani
2003 Artistamp Artifacts vol.1 no.1 inaugural issue, 8 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8, 15 different artistamps and stickers from call participants "tipped" on documentation pages, W.C "Bill" Porter
2003 Ragged Edge Press, Sticker Dude Times, buZ blurr's Blackout Weekend of 2003 by Mark Bloch, 4 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, folded, The Sticker Dude
2003 "'s in the mail", documentation for the International Mail Art & Artistamp Exhibition at Peel Heritage Complex Museum, 25 pages 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, stapled, artwork on front cover, Sue Williamson
2003 Artistamp Artifacts, vol.1 no.2, 8 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8, 21 different artistamps and stickers from call participants "tipped" onto documentation pages, with signed note from Bill, in original envelope, W.C "Bill" Porter
2003 "Order from Chaos", mailart exhibition documentation, nine pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 4 1/4 x 7, Ed Varney
2003 Artistamp Artifacts vol.1 no.3, 8 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8, 18 different artistamps and stickers from call participants "tipped" onto documentation pages, with signed note from Bill on back cover, W.C "Bill" Porter
2004 “3rd International Doo Da Stamp Invite”, documentation for 2000 call, 30 pages, 14 are color, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, large Dumb bunnyland 1 artistamp on cover, imperf, signed inside, with envelope, E.F. Higgins III
2004 Phosgenia, Bulletin of Obscure Actions no. 1, January-March 2004, southpark brain artwork adhered to cover, obscure action #1 artwork attached inside, obscure fashion artwork attached inside, 4 pages, folded, 8 1/4 x 11 3/4, # 32 of 150, 2 page Obscure Actions 04 happenings supplement inserted, Vittore Baroni
2004 Bern Porter International, special edition, Feb 14, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, folded, with envelope, Sheila Holtz
2004 "Annoying Creatures", documentation for the artistamp call, 20 pages, artistamps included, spiral bound, glossy color cover, 4 1/4 x 5 1/2, Beverly Dittberner
2004 Phosgenia, Bulletin of Obscure Actions no. 2-3, April-September 2004, cutting an egg artwork adhered to cover, obscure trading card attached inside, DNC Minden 2004 and FUN stickers on back, both perf, 4 pages, folded, 8 1/4 x 11 3/4, # 79 of 150, 2 page Obscure Actions 04 Numbers supplement inserted, Vittore Baroni
2004 "Unbirthday", mailart call documentation, 24 pages, folded and sewn, 4 1/4 x 5 1/2, signed, Frips
2004 Zukermotive und Briefmarken, special edition for the 100th anniversary of the Scientific Sugar-museum of FU Berlin, in Wedding, Germany, 1000 issues, 64 pages with almost 500 illustrated sugar related stamps and labels, published by Zuckermuseum Berlin, edited by Dr. Bernhard Nickel (more)
2004 Bern Porter International, special issue, Aug 6, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, folded, with envelope, Sheila Holtz
2005 "StampsTalk", documentation for Artistamp Collection at Art Books Press exhibit, 8 pages, card stock cover, stapled, additional 26 sticker sheet of photo images of exhibit and artistamp creators included, StampsTalk Bufo Post 5 artistamp adhered inside, perf, Artistamp Collection 5 artistamp adhered back cover, enclosed in vellum envelope with Marvin Johnson Curator sticker on back, 5 x 8, Marvin Johnson
2005 "StampsTalk", 2 copies, show booklet designed for attendees viewing the Artistamp Collection at Art Books Press exhibit, 8 pages, card stock cover, stapled, StampsTalk Bufo Post 5 artistamp adhered inside, perf, Artistamp Collection 5 artistamp adhered back cover, 5 x 8, Marvin Johnson
2005 Artistamp Artifacts, vol.2 no.2, 8 pages, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11, W.C "Bill" Porter
2005 Banana Rag, #33, details of artists, recent events and offering related to artistamps, four pages, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
2005 Entropia, a collection of unusually rare stamps, graphic novel, 127 pages, hard cover, stitched, 9 1/4 x 6 1/8, Christian Lorenz Scheurer
2006 Banana Rag, #34, details of artists, recent events and offering related to artistamps, four pages, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
2006 “Poverty” Creativa mail art project documentation, 55 pages, folded and stapled, cardstock cover, 6 x 8 1/4, Franco Piri Focardi
2006 Artistamp Artifacts, vol.3 no.2, 6 pages, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11, W.C "Bill" Porter
2006 l'Informazione del Collezionista, year 11, no. 54, December, stamp and mail art exhibition documentaion, 27 pages, folded and stapled, 8 1/4 x 9 3/4
2006 Retrospectives on West 23rd Street, partial, 2 pages recounting Ray Johnson and mail art roots by Bill Wilson, June 15, 2006, add and pass, William S. Wilson
2006 Ray Johsnon En Rapport, catalog for show at Richard L. Feigen & Co., June 2006, color illustrated with documentation, 12 pages, folded and stapled, 9 x 8, Richard L. Feigen & Co.
2007 Art Postale! no. 93, Sept, documents the HACKmit! project at the Berlin MACHmit! Museum for children and Vittore's POSTmit! mailart workshop, artistamps and sticker adhered inside, 8 pages, folded and stapled, 5 34 x 8 14, signed, #7 of 50, Vittore Baroni
2007 Artistamp Artifacts, vol.4 no.3, 4 pages, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11, W.C "Bill" Porter
2007 "Artsy Spaces", digital on CD, Cynthia Gaub
2007 Banana Rag, #35, details of artists, recent events and offering related to artistamps, four pages, 8 1/2 x 11, Anna Banana
2012 Triangle Post, from chickens to Trian Gulo and everything in between, documents the life long stamp journey of C. T. Chew, 250 pages of beautiful color, LuLu, soft cover, perfect bound, 8 1/2 x 11, C. T. Chew
2014 Not Nothing - Selected Writings by Ray Johnson 1954-1994, 379 pages, Siglio, soft cover, perfect bound, 8 x 10 1/2, Edited by Elizabeth Zuba, Essay by Kevin Killian
intro preface terminology publications post links artist links country links postscript