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Update5 Roberta Parsons - USA Lickypost Post Forrest Bluff Post
1998 envelope, pensive Lickypost 10 artistamp, scissor perf, cachet 1998 15 stamp, sheetlet, galiano Bluff Post, perf, inscribed, signed 1998 15 stamp, sheetlet, log tug Post Forrest, perf, A.P., signed 1998 15 stamp, sheetlet, log tug Post Forrest, perf, variety 1998 postcard, lickydog Lickypost 22 and pensive Lickypost 10 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, cachet, "By Special Appointment" sticker on back 1998 envelope, winky Lickypost 5 and lickydog Lickypost 22 artistamps tied to cancel, scissor perf 1998 9 stamps, singles, various Lickypost artistamps in a small glassine, all scissor perf
Update6 Amy Peacock - USA Ziez AMLP77
2001 2nd anniversary AMLP77 2L artistamps, imperf, two varieties, artwork on back 2001 postcard, 4 stamp, block, surrender to summer Ziez 101 artistamps, one tied to cancel, perf, invitation to visit Ziez festivals on back 2001 envelope, caskal Ziez 1 artistamp tied to cancel, perf and imperf, cachet 2001 art card, "The Binding of the Queen" artwork on cover, Ziez historical documentation and strip of three caskal Ziez 1 artistamps inside, additional pair of two caskal Ziez 1 artistamps enclosed, perf and imperf 2002 postcard, 3rd anniversary AMLP77 3L artistamp, imperf, artwork on back
Update5 Julee Peezlee - USA
1996 postcard, love mail sticker tied to cancel, imperf, note from Julee, signed
Update5 Annie Penturlurer - USA Emission de Bricolage Fleuririe Poste AMLP54
2000 postcard, three aml 1st anniversary AMLP 54 preprinted artistamps tied to USPS hand cancel, cachet, artwork on back 2001 postcard, three aml 2nd anniversary Emission de Bricolage 2 artistamps, two tied to USPS hand cancel, all scissor perf, three varieties, cachet, stamp art documentation and prose on back. 2002 postcard, aml 3rd anniversary hibiscus Fleuririe Poste AMLP 54 artistamp, imperf, cachet, artwork on back 2002 postcard, note from Annie, signed, a stitch in time artwork stitched to back 2002 postcard, note from Annie, signed, collage artwork on back
Update5 Amy Pfeffer - USA Semprini SPA AMLP30
2000 envelope, hand made collage, fish stickers 2000 postcard, several artistamps with tissue cover set into cardboard postcard, unopened, poem,La Paresse artwork on back 2000 postcard, 1st anniversary AMLP30 1L artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, poetry, cachet, unreasonable journeys collage artwok on back 2000 envelope, two season stickers, scissor perf, cross dressing santa artwork on back 2001 art card, fish collaboration LSOI2 3 artistamp, documentation, artwork 2001 postcard, 2nd anniversary AMLP30 2L artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, scissor perf, carved rubber chicken cachet, inscribed, signed, list of traditional Semprini Anniversary Gifts on back... rubber chicken for 2nd anniversary 2001 postcard, two year of the snake SPA 1 artistamps, scissor perf, tow varieties, both franked, cachets, snake cut-out artwork and documentation on back, inscribed, signed 2001 postcard, Van Gogh sticker tied to cancel, perf, franked, note from Amy in Paris, signed, bench press artwork on back 2001 postcard, SPA Local Post sticker tied to cancel, imperf, franked, foot made artwork, inscribed, signed, English as She is Spoke poem on back
Update1 Konnie Phelps - USA Omm of Illusionaria Ommpost Illusionaria AMLP69 Ava Post
2001 envelope, 2001 Ommpost 9 artistamp tied to cancel, heart Ommpost 9 and mavis Ommdog 9 artistamps, all scissor perf, cachet, included inside, note announcing Ommpost's first issues and five artistamps, including john lennon Ommpost 9, love this life scarab Ommpost 50, variety Ommdog 9, heart Ommpost 9,and airplane Ommpost 9 2001 envelope two 2L AMLP 69 artistamps, one tied to cancel, the other is franked, scissor perf, chicken cachet, two single artistamps enclosed 2001 postcard, mavis at midnight Ommpost 9 artistamps, two varieties, one tied to cancel, the other franked, Mavis at Midnight Halloween artwork on reverse 2002 postcard, year of the horse Ommpost 9 artistamps, two varieties, Lunar New Year artwork on reverse 2002 envelope, Catherine's Wind Ommpost 3 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet, franked 2002 greeting card, 8 stickers artwork, vellum inside, Story or Catherine's Wind and people of Illusionaria printed on one side, block of 4 catherine's wind Ommpost 3 artistamps adhered to right side with three printed haikus, #3 of 25, signed Omm 2002 envelope, AML 3L artistamp tied to cancel, cachet, first day issue 2002 3 stamp, souvenir sheet, AML 3rd anniversary, AML 3L artistamp, perf, #6 of 60, signed 2002 envelope, Ommpost 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet, "Contents: Actual Artistamps", self portrait artistamps project, two Ommpost 9 artistamps enclosed, perf 2002 envelope, day of the dead Illusionaria 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, pictorial cachet, "New Issue" 2002 5 stamp, souvenir sheet, day of the dead Illusionaria 9 artistamps, created for Day of the Dead artistamp project, perf, signed 2002 two day of the dead Illusionaria 9 artistamps in a glassine 2003 envelope, AML fourth anniversary, labyrinth AML 69 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet "Happy Anniversary AML", 4 Labyrinth artistamps enclosed in glassine 2003 envelope, strip of five breast cancer Ommpost 9 artistamps, perf, franked, cachet, 7 1/2 x 10 1/2 2003 25 stamp, full page, Time for a Cure, breast cancer awareness Ommpost 9 artistamps, perf, signed 2003 5 stamp, strip, breast cancer Ommpost 9 artistamps, perf 2003 greeting card, "In Time, She Understood" artwork on cover, signed on back, 4 stamp block, in time Illusionaria 9 artistamps tipped into card, perf 2003 envelope, in time Illusionaria 9 artistamp tied to cancel, cachet 2004 envelope, vellum, rose Ommpost 9 artistamp, tied to cancel, scissor perf, two loose rose Ommpost 9 artistamps, scissor perf 2004 artwork, "Old Roses", note attached, signed K. 2004 envelope, ava Avapost 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf 2004 artwork, "Ava", note attached, signed 2004 envelope, lizzard queen Illusionaria 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, pictorial cachet 2004 postcard, Aunt Lizzie 1904 portrait with image of lizzard queen Illusionaria 9 artistamp collaged into artwork, sent in envelope unused, signed 2004 6 stamp, souvenir sheet, thank you Ommpost 9 artistamps, imperf 2004 envelope, moon mail Illusionaria 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, The Lonely Moon cachet 2004 postcard, moon mail Illusionaria 9 artistamp adhered, unused, included in envelope, Moon Queen artwork, signed 2004 envelope, year of the monkey Ommpost 9 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet 2004 two year of the monkey Ommpost 9 artistamps and one monkey mail Ommpost 9 artistamp created for the Year of the Monkey artistamp project, in glassine envelope, included with envelope
Update5 Carlo Pittore - USA - sent Post Me
1996 25 sticker, full page, Post Me, perf, two varieties, inscribed, signed
Update5 Bern Porter - USA - reached the final final Grandaddy Bern Porter International
2004 publication, Bern Porter International, special edition, Feb 14, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, folded, with envelope, Sheila Holtz 2004 publication, Bern Porter International, special issue, Aug 6, 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, folded, with envelope, Sheila Holtz
Update1 W.C. "Bill" Porter - USA Olathe Poste USA AMLP53
2001 8 stamp, block, series2 Olathe Poste artistamps, roulette 2002 envelope, two we deliver USA 53 artistamps, roulette, two varieties 2002 32 stamp, full page, 2 sheets, we deliver USA 53 artistamps, roulette 2002 ephemera, documentation detailing Olathe Poste artistamps honoring postal workers, signed 2002 envelope, 3 air mail USA 53 artistamps, all hand canceled, one franked, two varieties, roulette, first day of issue, cachet 2002 40 stamp, full page, air mail USA 53 artistamps, roulette, small variety, signed 2002 18 stamp, singles, air mail USA 53 artistamps, roulette, small variety, in glassine 2002 7 stamp, strip, deregulation Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf, #4 of 25, signed 2002 envelope, partial, gary johnson Olathe Poste 144 and utah greetings Olathe Poste 52 artistamps, perf, Olathe sticker, perf, franked, cachet 2002 envelope, photography USA 53 artistamp, roulette, franked, day issued, cachet on back 2002 4 stamps, one single and three in a strip, photography USA 53 artistamp, roulette 2002 ephemera, documentation for the photography USA 53 artistamp, roulette, one stamp adhered over cachet 2002 envelope, auto Americana artistamp, perf, franked 2002 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2002 postcard, deregulation Olathe Poste 53 artistamp adhered to stamp photo, perf, unmailed, note from Bill, signed 2002 envelope, narcisisstamp Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, roulette, franked, year of the horse AML 120 artistamp, roulette, franked, day issued, 2 straDa Da stickers on back 2002 stamp, prototype single, year of the horse AML 120 artistamp, roulette, signed 2002 4 stamp, strip, year of the horse AML 120 artistamps, roulette, signed 2002 20 stamp, block, flying cows Olathe Poste 53, roulette, postit, signed 2002 2 prickly pair Olathe Poste artistamps, one tied to USPS hand cancel and franked new issue, the other in part of cachet and franked day issued, both roulette 2002 ephemera, documentation for prickly pair artistamp, with photo and artistamp on front and an additional prickly pair artistamp inside, both scissor perf, note from Bill, signed 2002 15 stamp, block, prickly pair Olathe Poste artistamps, roulette 2002 postcard, 4 nudes in postal art Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, roulette, two tied to cancel and franked, day issued, signed, stamp artwork on back 2002 envelope, nipa #6 Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, pain awareness, Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, franked day issued, both scissor perf, cache, Father Flanagan smiles, #12 of 12 2002 20 stamp, full page, nipa #6 Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, roulette, one stamp franked, signed 2002 20 stamp, full page, pain awareness Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, roulette, two stamps franked, signed 2002 envelope, narcisisstamp Olathe Post 51 artistamp, perf, franked day issued, cachet, sticker tied to cancel, perf, artwork enclosed for self portrait call 2002 envelope, photographer porter USA 53 artistamp, perf, franked, day issued, cachet, signed 2002 32 stamp, full page, photographer porter USA 53 artistamps, perf, #8 of 25, signed, some gum problems 2002 envelope, nude Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, roulette, auto Americana 1/2 artistamp, perf, franked, homage to Robin Crozier sticker, roulette 2002 ephemera, note from Bill on Olathe Poste letterhead, signed 2002 envelope, large, two nude Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, roulette, one franked, art de postal Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, scissor perf, cachet 2002 ephemera, letter from Bill, signed 2002 envelope, two not a fish Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf, one franked new issue, cache 2002 10 stamp, block, not a fish Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, 1st stamps perforated on newly acquired Rosback, signed 2002 postcard, third anniversary AML 120 artistamp, perf, franked, day issued, #7 of 80, cachet, artwork with additional anniversary artistamp on back 2002 25 stamp, full page, third anniversary AML 120 artistamps, perf, #3 of 25, signed 2002 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2002 postcard, 2 different nudes in postal art, Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf, franked, day issued, plastic laminate over artwork on back 2002 envelope, colorado greetings Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, perf, franked, USPS stamp hand canceled, sticker and cachet on back 2002 postcard, pea green Olathe Poste 53 artistamp franked, note from Bill, signed, Kari artwork on back 2002 envelope, three love Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, one scissor perf and tied to USPS hand cancel, two roulette, large and small varieties, one small artistamp franked day issued 2002 12 stamp, block, love Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, roulette, two varieties, large and small, signed 2002 envelope, large, narcisisstamp Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, roulette, 1916 rosback Olathe Poste artistamp, perf 2002 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2002 envelope, 100 years of reclamation Olathe Poste 53 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, second artistamp franked day issued and signed, cachet 2002 42 stamp, full page, 100 years of reclamation Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf #10 of 25, signed 2002 ephemera, documentation for 100 years of reclamation Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, signed 2002 envelope, flying cow Olathe Post 53 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, Narcisisstamp Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, roulette, cachets 2002 promotion, Olathe Poste artist workshop 2002 envelope, two chipeta days Olathe Poste "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, franked new issue, two varieties, Narcisisstamp Olathe Poste 53 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, roulette 2002 20 stamp, full page, chipeta days Olathe Poste "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, two varieties, #28 of 35, signed 2003 envelope, billy the kid Olathe Poste 53, Butch Cassidy Olathe Poste 53 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, both perf, five outlaw stickers, cache 2003 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2003 postcard, looking up Olathe Poste 53 artistamp tied to cancel, return to sender project 2003 envelope, 4 different nipa series USA 53 artistamps, perf, franked, day issued, signed 2003 stamps, 3 nipa X artistamps in a strip, two nipa 12 artistamps in a strip, two nipa 12 artistamps in a strip and 4 nipa 13 artistamps in a block, all perf, in glassine 2003 envelope, 2 nude #9 USA 53 artistamps, franked, perf, two size varieties, day issue, cachet 2003 14 stamp, block, nude #9 USA 53 artistamps, perf, small variety, signed 2003 envelope, train cachets 2003 2 stamp. strip, mystery mail Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf, in glassine 2003 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2003 postcard, year of the ram USA 53 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, day issued, #2 or 38, note, signed, artwork on back 2003 envelope, nick flowers Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, perf, two weeds Olathe Poste artistamps, one in Earth Day 2003 cachet and franked day issued, perf 2003 6 stamp, strip, nick flowers Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf, signed 2003 5 stamp, strip, weeds Olathe Poste 53 artistamps, perf 2003 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2003 ephemera, art page for weeds project, three artistamps adhered, add & pass 2003 envelope, 2 bill hickock USA 2 artistamps one tied to cancel, the other is franked, perf, first day of issue, cachet 2003 15 stamp, block, bill hickock USA 2 artistamps, perf 2003 envelope, 2 different gun control USA 53 artistamps, perf, franked 2003 21 stamp, singles, gun control USA 53 artistamps, perf, face forward 2003 7 stamp, strip, gun control USA 53 artistamps, perf, face back plus additional 14 singles 2003 envelope, mail art Maggie Mail 2 artistamp, scissor perf, cody and bull Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, 7 various stickers, three franked 2003 publication, Artistamp Artifacts vol.1 no.1 inaugural issue, 8 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8, 15 different artistamps and stickers from call participants "tipped" on documentation pages 2003 envelope, art kruger, mangus colorado and bat masterson USA 53 artistamps, perf, colorado tied to USPS hand cancel, kruger franked, day issued, billy the kid Olathe Poste artistamp, perf, cachet, kruger backstamp additionally 2003 8 stamp, strip, ace kruger USA 53 artistamps, perf, signed 2003 postcard, correspondence art Olathe Poste 53 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, franked, note from Bill, signed, artwork on back 2003 publication, Artistamp Artifacts vol.1 no.2, 8 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8, 21 different artistamps and stickers from call participants "tipped" onto documentation pages, with signed note from Bill, in original envelope 2003 envelope, tuff brake Olathe Poste 28 and give me a brake Olathe Post 32 artistamps, both perf and franked, first day cachet, #4 of 13, signed 2003 ephemera, the lucky 13, note from Bill, signed 2003 envelope, correspondence art Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, perf, franked, monument to free speech VMDO 5 artistamp, perf 2003 publication, Artistamp Artifacts vol.1 no.3, 8 pages, cardstock cover, stapled, 5 1/2 x 8, 18 different artistamps and stickers from call participants "tipped" onto documentation pages, with signed note from Bill on back cover 2004 holiday greetings sticker, perf, inverted Olathe Local Poste 53 artistamp hand canceled with mailer's postal permit #1, cachet 2004 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2004 postcard, pea green Olathe Post 55 artistamp, perf, small variety, tied to cancel, pea green Olathe Post 52 artistamp, perf, large variety, franked, day issued, note, signed, colorful colorado on back 2004 postcard, note from bill, signed, photo on back, #04 206 2004 envelope, vote betty USA 4 artistamp, perf, franked, cachet, fine stamps cinderella on back 2004 2 stamp, strip, vote betty USA 4 artistamp, perf in glassine 2004 postcard, mail art Olathe Poste "forever denominated" artistamp tied to hand cancel, cachet, mail art call on back 2004 postcard, sodomize sadam sticker, perf, note from Bill on back, signed 2005 postcard, stamp supply promo, mailer's permit cancel 2005 envelope, 2 Russell Baker related stickers, one franked 2005 publication, Artistamp Artifacts vol.2 no.2, 8 pages, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11 2005 ephemera, letter from Bill, signed 2005 ephemera, promo for Bill's new book "Collecting Postmarks" 2006 envelope, coyote Olathe Post 5 artistamp, perf, cachet, coyote pictorial mailer's postmark permit 2006 publication, Artistamp Artifacts vol.3 no.2, 6 pages, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11 2006 3 stamps/stickers, singles, in sealed glassine, unopened, perf 2006 ephemera, note from Bill, signed 2006 ephemera, promo for Artistamp Artifacts subscription 2006 envelope, handcancel Olathe Poste "forever denominated" artistamp tied to Olathe mailer's postmark permit, fine stamps Olathe Poste "forever denominated" artistamp, franked, both perf 2006 ephemera, ton of stuff related to product and services 2007 envelope, artistamp artifacts, pictorial Olathe mailer's postmark permit 2007 publication, Artistamp Artifacts vol.4 no.3, 4 pages, stapled, 8 1/2 x 11 2007 6 stamp, souvenir sheet, children's art artistamps, in unopened glassine, perf 2007 ephemera, LPCS letter, signed 2007 envelope, artistamp artifacts, pictorial Olathe mailer's postmark permit 2007 ephemera, Kit Carson artistamp docs and other promotions 2007 envelope, minnesota sesquicentennial sticker, perf, franked, preprint stamp 2007 envelope,colorado Olathe Poste 53 artistamp, perf, franked, pictorial mailer's postmark permit
Update5 Marilyn Pounder - USA Henrietta Stoltzfus Pennsylvania Deutschland
2001 postcard, documentation for first Pennsylvania Deutschland Republic, premier issue Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamp on back, pierce perf, cachet, sticker 2001 envelope, two premier issue Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamps tied to cancel 2001 4 stamp, block, premier issue Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamp, pierce perf 2001 12 stamp, souvenir sheet, riding mower Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamps, pierce perf 2001 2 stamp, pair, riding mower Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamps, pierce perf 2001 4 stamp, block, field work Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamps, pierce perf, two varieties 2001 ephemera, note from Marilyn about new stamp issues 2001 postcard, day of the dead Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 and 21 artistamps tied to cancel, two varieties, both scissor perf, cachet, three stamp strip Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamps mounted on back, imperf, additional artistamps seen underneath, catchet 2002 envelope, covered bridge Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet 2002 7 stamps, singles, five covered bridge Pennsylvania Deutschland 34 artistamps and two star Pennsylvania Deutschland 21 artistamps, all scissor perf 2002 envleope, mt. penn pagoda Pennsylvania Deutschland 37 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet 2002 3 stamps, singlesmt. penn pagoda Pennsylvania Deutschland 37 artistamps, scissor perf 2002 ephemera, Mt. Penn Pagoda foldout documentation
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