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Arnoldia & Pondidia International - USA
A&P Int

Zoe Elizabeth Wollsley - USA
Elizabeth Zois
zoe zoi
Her Grace, Dak de Droll
this girl!
Pondidia Parish
Pond Idia
Pottery District
4th Street Post
AMLP 43 BQ&ved=0CAUQ_AU4Cg


Lynn Arno Palmiter - USA
Lynn Jr.
Draw From Within
flying wiZard post
AMLP 58 x4KIAg&ved=0CAUQ_AU

2000 12 stamp, souvenir sheet, z's 1st Draw From Within 1.5 artistamps, five varieties, pierce perf, inscribed, signed, #1 of 100
2000 6 stamp, block, z's 1st Draw From Within 1.5 artistamps, large varieties, four varieties, folded scissor perf and imperf, inscribed, signed
2000 envelope, three z's 2nd Draw From Within 2.1 artistamps, two tied to cancel, three varieties, scissor perf & folded scissor perf, all three franked, Draw From Within 4 artistamp adhered to one, prototype for pool of love courtship series artistamps, scissor perf and imperf, franked, Draw From Within 4 artistamp adhered, cachet on back, mutated arkydots enclosed
2000 14 stamp, z's 2nd Draw From Within 2.1 artistamps, three varieties, scissor perf & folded scissor perf, inscribed
2000 4 stamps, adhered to inside of folded card, courtship Draw From Within 36 artistamps, four varieties: the chase, the ring, the pool of love, the happy after, scissor perf, imperf and drawn perf, inscribed, signed
2000 postcard, pottery district 4th Srteet Post 25 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, pottery district 4th Street Post 3.50 artistamp, scissor perf and pottery district 4th Srteet Post 12 artistamp, imperf adhered to back with documentation
2000 envelope, two courtship DFW Flying Wizard Post 36 artistampstied to cancel and USPS hand canceled, one franked, hand accented, scissor perf, z's 1st DFW 1.5 artistamp, pierce perf
2000 8 stamps, 4 pairs, courtship DFW Flying Wizard Post 36 artistamps, four varieties, part drawn perf, part scissor perf, part imperf
2000 postcard, two preprinted, AML 1st anniversary Draw From Within 1L artistamps, drawn perf, larger variety on back, inscribed, signed
2000 envelope, mandala #1 troy horse Draw From Within 2 artistamp tied to cancel, imperf, additional Mandala #1 critters Draw From Within 2 artistamps, two varieties, one imperf, one scissor perf, small Draw From Within 4 artistamp, imperf, mandala artwork on back with small Draw From Within 4 artistamp, imperf
2001 postcard, frog Pondidia 4th St. Post 1 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, lynnian autumn 2000 Pottery District 4th Street Post 3 artistamp, perf, #2 of 3, additional lynnian autumn 2000 Pottery District 4th Street Post 3 artistamp on back with documentation, note from Zoe, signed                 
2001 postcard, 2nd anniversary snake AMLP 58 artistamp tied to cancel, franked 2L, large stamp design on back, signed Lynn Jr
2001 postcard, day or the dead Pondidia 31 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, franked, sorter damage
2001 postcard, second anni versary AMLP43 2 artistamptied to USPS hand cancel, perf, stamp artwork on back, signed z zoi
2001 postcard, lt. fisher Arnoldia 23 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, year of the snake AMLP 58 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, crow's call to prayer Arnoldia 28 artistamp, perf, Ernie Jr and Flying Penguins of the Pacific artwork and documentation on back
2001 envelope, handprint AMLP58 & AMLP43 20 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, four pre-printed winter solstice Pondidia 21 artistamps, small variety, four varieties, two tied to cancel, winter solstice Pondidia 21 artistamp, perf, larger variety
2001 4 stamps, block, winter solstice Pondidia 21 artistamps, larger variety, perf, scissor perf and imperf, inscribed, signed
2001 stamp, single, too much stuff Pond Idia 2 artistamp, perf and scissor perf
2001 stamp, single, winter solstice Pondidia 21 artistamp, larger variety, perf, print error
2001 3 stamp, strip, troy new york Pottery District 4th St. Post A rate artistamps, perf
2001 postcard, crow's call to prayer Arnoldia 28 artistamp tied to cancel, drawn perf, imperf, larger variety on back , signedstam
2001 postcard, frog Pondidia 4th St. Post 1 artistamp tied to cancel, drawn perf, imperf, frog Pondidia Peepers Post 6 artistamp adhered to back, drawn perf, imperf, hair elbow foot Draw From Within 4th Street Post C rate artistamp adhered to back, scissor perf, poem, signed
2002 postcard, self-portrait AMLP 58 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, artwork of Lynn Jr and cats on back
2002 postcard, year of the horse AMLP58 50 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, cachet, stamp artwork on back
2002 postcard, lt. fisher Arnoldia, 23 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, two moby dick AMLP58 artistamps, perf, two varieties and denominations, Ensign Emma Fisher Flying Penguins of the Pacific documentation and artwork on back
2002 envelope, handprint AMLP58 & AMLP43 20 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, sorter damage, troy post office Zoi 37 artistamp, perf, troy post office Zoi 34 artistamp, perf, sorter damage, i painted my chest Pondidia 4th St. Post 6 artistamp, perf
2002 4 stamp, block, troy post office Zoipost triangle artistamps, perf, four varieties, three denominations
2002 postcard, aunt hazel Zoi 6 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, aunt hazel Zoi 6 and aunt hazel Zoi 9 artistamps adhered to back with Day of the Dead artwork, signed
2002 postcard, lt. jg ernest c. fisher usn Arnoldia 23 artistamp tied to cancel, audubon diet AMLP58 3.00 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, sorter damage, inscribed, signed, artwork and documentation for the Flying Penguins of the Pacific and Lt. Fisher commemoration
2002 envelope, two different diversity AMLP 43 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, one has sorter damage
2002 4 stamp, block, diversity AMLP 43 artistamps, perf
2002 2 stamps, singles, diversity AMLP 43 artistamps, perf, error missing "celebrate diversity"
2002 2 stamp, strip, frogs Pondidia Postal Authority first class artistamps, perf, inscribed, signed
2002 ephemera, diversity documentation
2002 postcard, third anniversary AMLP58 3L artistamp tied to cancel, franked, perf, stamp design on back
2002 envelope, third anniversary AMLP58 3L artistamp tied to cancel, franked, perf
2002 artwork, print of frog/mandala watercolor adhered to card, note from Lynn Jr, signed
2002 postcard, third anniversary AMLP43 3L artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, large variety artistamp on back, perf
2002 postcard, voyager's moom Pondidia 4 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, large variety, perf, three voyager's moom Pondidia 4 artistamps adhered to back, perf, small variety , inscribed, signed
2002 postcard, year of the horse AMLP 43 artistamp tied to USPS hand cancel, perf, four year of the horse AMLP 43 artistamps pre-printed on back, inscribed, signed
2003 envelope, early & nowak Pondidia first class artistamp tied to cancel, perf, I painted my chest Pondidia 4th Street Post 6 artistamp, perf, raven Pondidia 6 artistamp, perf, frog Pondidia 4th Street Post 1 artistamp, perf
2003 envelope, two balsa wood stamps, 100th anniversary of the tweezer Splinter Post 21 artistamp, perf, no pulp Fiction 2 artistamp, perf, 2 rates Pondidia "G denomination" artistamps securing a note from Dak de Droll, signed, cachet, unmailed
2003 16 stamp, full page, un petite anarchy Arnoldia 72 artistamps, perf, note inscribed, signed Lynn Jr
2003 6 stamps, 4 in a block and 2 in a strip, solstice 2003 A&P Intl 300 artistamps, perf, inscribed in block, signed zoi
2003 8 stamps, two strips of 4 stamps, Early and nowak Pondidia first class artistamps, perf, documentation in selvage
2003 8 stamp, block, raven Pondidia 6 artistamps, perf
2003 envelope, se-tenant summer solstice API 43 and 56 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, small variety
2003 4 stamp, block, summer solstice API 43 and 56 artistamps, perf, large variety
2003 envelope, hand delivered, large variety cat ben Pondidia G rates artistamp, perf, four small variety cat ben Pondidia G rates artistamps, perf, four mouse G rates artistamps, perf
2003 8 stamp, full page, large variety cat ben Pondidia G rates artistamps, perf, inscribed, signed
2003 14 stamp, block, small variety cat ben Pondidia G rates artistamps, perf
2003 7 stamp, strip, small variety cat ben Pondidia G rates artistamps, perf
2003 14 stamp, block, mouse G rates artistamps, perf
2003 sculpture, hand delivered, Pond Mail mail pouch, three peas on earth Pond Idia 60 artistamps adhered on various parts, perf
2003 envelope, orville and wilber wright ASN4 1 artistamp, sorter damage, perf, lephd brother's first flight Arnoldia 28 artistamp, perf
2003 presentation card, artwork of the Lephd Brothers artistamp on cover, orville and wilber wright ASN4 1 artistamp adhered inside, with US commemorative quarter and note from Zoi, signed, attached to the right is a foldout history of the Lephd Brothers as recounted by famous historian Lynn Jr
2003 postcard, i painted my chest Pondidia 4th St. Post 6 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, sorter damage, return to sender project, april fools prose on back
2003 envelope, manna Pondidia 6 artistamp, perf, sorter damage
2003 4 stamp, block manna Pondidia 6 artistamps, perf
2003 4 stamp, strip, rhoda knows Pondidia 6 artistamps, perf
2003 stamp, single, solstice Zoipost 43, perf
2003 stamp, single, red frog, Pond Idia 6 triangle artistamp, perf
2003 envelope, a stone is born Pond Idia 59 artistamp tied to cancel, perf
2003 trifold, forward, official Pond Idia Post mail, three small variety cat ben Pondidia G rates artistamps and a mouse Pondidia G rates artistamp, all perf
2003 envelope, year of the ram AMLP43 B rates artistamp, two moth (idia) Pondidia artistamps tied to cancel, perf, two varieties and denominations
2003 8 stamp, block, idia moths Pondidia artistamps, perf, six varieties, four denominations
2003 3 stamp, strip, year of the ram AMLP43 B rates artistamps, perf
2003 envelope, 4th anniversary AML 43 and 58 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, two varieties, cachet
2003 4 stamp souvenir sheet, 4th anniversary AML 43 and 58 artistamps, perf, large variety, two varieties, inscribed, signed Lynn Jr & Zo
2003 envelope, two moth (idia) Pondidia 50 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, two varieties
2003 6 stamp, strip, year of the horse pegasus AMLP 43 artistamps, perf, inscribed, signed
2004 envelope, sint niklaas arts festival Zoipost 4 artistamp tied to cancel, perf
2004 12 stamp, block sint niklaas arts festival Arnoldia 72 artistamps, perf
2004 4 stamp, block, sint niklaas arts festival Zoipost 4 artistamps, perf and imperf
2004 12 stamp, block, sint niklaas arts festival Zoipost 4 artistamps, perf
2004 stamp, single, washington chopping the bush shrub Zoipost 4 artistamp, perf
2004 envelope, un petite anarchy Arnoldia 72 pre-printed artistamp, hand canceled in Sint Niklaas, Belgium, franked first day of issue, cachet
2004 postcard, un petite anarchy Arnoldia artwork, unmailed
2004 2 stamp, strip, avian diet Arnoldia 3.00 artistamps, signed in selvage Lynn Jr
2004 4 stamp, block, un petite anarchy Arnoldia 72 artistamps, perf, signed in selvage Lynn Jr
2004 4 stamp, souvenir sheet, water creatures Arnoldia 2.00 artistamps, perf, signed in selvage Lynn Jr
2004 4 stamp, souvenir sheet, chef salad Arnoldia 1.00 artistamps, perf, signed in selvage Lynn Jr
2004 envelope, zoi self portrait PondIdia 4th Street Post 59 artistamp, perf, le nez sait PondIdia 6 artistamp, scissor perf, both tied to cancel
2004 3 stamp, strip, zoi self portrait PondIdia ZoPost 59 artistamp, perf
2004 3 stamps, singles, le nez sait PondIdia 6 artistamp, imperf, larger variety
2004, ephemera, note from Dak de Droll, signed
2004 envelope, zoi self portrait PondIdia 4th Street Post 59 artistamp and no L PondIdia 5 triangle artistamp tied to cancel, both perf
2004 postcard, note from Elizabeth, signed, No L artwork on back, signed
2004 8 stamp, strip, no L PondIdia 5 triangle artistamps, perf
2004 2 stamp, strip, rudolf no L Pondidia 5 artistamps, perf, inscribed in selvage, signed
2004 3 stamp, strip, mo L nose API/Pondidia 5 artistamps, perf, inscribed by Lynn Jr, signed
2005 envelope, pike press Pondidia 1 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, large variety
2005 32 stamp, full page, pike press Pondidia 1 atistamps, perf, three varieties, inscribed, signed
2005 stamp, single, pike press Pondidia 1 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, large variety
2005 4 stamp, block, solstice A&PI 5 artistamps, perf, four varieties
2005 envelope, pike press Pondidia 1 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, middle size variety, pike Pondidia 7 artistamp, perf
2005 3 stamps, singles, pike press Pondidia 1 artistamps, perf, middle size variety, two varieties
2005 5 stamp, strip, pike Pondidia 7 artistamps, perf
2005 4 stamp, block, beetles PonD Idia 7 artistamps, perf and imperf
2006 envelope, seventh anniversary AML 43 and 58 artistamps, perf, one tied to USPS hand cancel, cachet on back
2006 4 stamp, souvenir sheet, seventh anniversary artistamps, perf, two varieties, #21 of 29, inscribed, signed
2007 folded postcard, goedenday mijn vriend Arnoldia & Pondidia Int'l 7 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked, no L Pondidia 5 triangle artistamp, perf, three mouse Pondidia G rates artistamp, perf, additional mouse Pondidia G rates artistamp adhered inside, perf, cat xoieus Pondidia  70 artistamp, perf, no water no peace API 3 artistamp, perf, crow Pondidia 6 artistamp, perf, cachet, celebrating summer solstice artwork adhered, inscribed, signed
2008 envelope, pre-printed geyser Pondidia 00 artistamp, cachet, frist day of issue
2009 envelope, painted, two continuous dialog peace Pondidia 9 artistamps and a Peace for us sticker, all perf and tied to cancel
2009 16 sticker, souvenir sheet, pax/peace for us, perf,  two varieties, signed by Lynn Jr
2009 8 stamp, souvenir sheet, continuous dialog peace Pondidia 9 artistamps, perf signed, perforation error

Darlene Altschul - USA
Femail Post
Nate Vision

1996 ephemera, letter inviting artistamp exchange, former Tarzana Savannah, signed Darlene
1996 envelope, DKA 3 artistamp, franked but uncanceled, cachet, rubberstamps, sticker
1996 envelope, DKA "Femailist" artistamp,perf
1996 30 stamp, full sheet, DKA 96 artistamps, perf, #28 of 100, signed
1996 25 stamp, full sheet, DKA 96 artistamps, perf, #6 of 12, signed
1996 12 stamp block, DKA 96 artistamps, perf
1996 6 stamp block, DKA Post "forever denominated" artistamps,perf
1996 envelope, orange DKA post Networker artistamp
1996 4 stamp, sheetlet, Femail Post 4 Cockatoo artistamps, perf, #13 of 20, signed
1996 envelope, partial, 16 stamp sheetlet Femail Post "love" artistamps adhered, perf, also Dragonfly Dream sticker perf, 8 1/2 x 11
1996 20 stickers, full page, Bats, perf, signed
1996 25 stickers, Bats, perf, signed
1996 25 stamp, bat DKA Post, "forever denominated" artistamps, perf, signed
1996 20 stickers, full page, small chickens, perf, signed
1997 16 stamp, full page, Networker Post artistamps modified by DKA, perf, signed DKA
1997 ephemera, letter suggesting collaborating on stamps, signed
1997 15 stamp, full page, draw me Toast Postes 10 artistamps honoring DKA Post, modified by DKA, perf
1997 two 15 stamp, draw me Toast Postes 10 artistamps honoring DKA Post, recycled by DKA, gray issue, perf
1997 ephemera, letter with chickens, signed
1997 8 stamp, full sheet, DKA Post 10, perf, signed
1997 postcard, DKA Post chicken, unmailed
1997 ephemera, letter, 2/6, signed
1997 4 stamp, strip, Toast Postes 3 Draw Me stork artistamps honoring DKA Post, modified by DKA, perf
1997 36 stickers, full page, illustrated woman and DKA collab, perf
1997 ephemera, note, decidedly vague, signed
1997 30 stamp, full sheet, Femail Post 1, Heart, perf, signed
1997 30 full sheet, stamp, Femail Post 6, Happy Face, perf, #1 of 10, signed DKA
1997 envelope, Ox artistamp for Chinese Year of the Ox project, artistamp canceled at bottom of page but USPS stamp at top uncanceled
1997 ephemera, letter detailing DKA Post artistamp production, signed
1998 9 stamp, full page, Arturo and DKA post co-op produced, various denominations, perf
1998 9 stamp, sheetlet, Arturo and DKA post co-op produced, various denominations, perf
1998 ephemera, letter, signed
2002 6 stamp block DKA Post 34 artistamps, perf
2002 three hand stickers
2002 envelope, DKA Post 34 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, Kees Franke cachet
2002 envelope, USPS Halloween Station cancel USPS bat stamps, cat, bats and moon hand colored eraser carving pictorial cachet, #3 of 5, signed ACE 52
2002 12 stamp sheetlet, DKA Post 4 cat artistamps, perf, #7 of 20, signed
2002 ephemera, letter copy of "Tarzana Savannah", announcing Kees project, signed
2002 envelope, USPS teddy Bear first day of issue, Kees Franke Teddy Bear cachet, #5 of 13, signed
2002- circa, envelope, "Fly Like an Eagle", DKA Post 37 artistamp lightly tied to cancel, perf, pictorial cachet
2003 ephemera, letter detailing Kees Franke homage documentation, signed
2003 ephemera, letter from Blaster Al  Ackerman, documentation
2003 ephemera, homage copy of artwork, "Farewell Kees", documentation
2003 ephemera, copy of photos at funeral, "Farewell Kees", documentation
2003 envelope, Bad Dog artwork cachet
2003 20 stamps, full page, block, Femailist 52 and DKA Post 52 artistamps, perf, five varieties, signed
2003 ephemera, article on a BAD DOG, USPS letter and a note from Darlene, signed
2003 envelope, two Kees 2 and one DKA Post 37 artistamps tied to cancel, perf, for Kees Tribute documentation, cachet
2003 publication, documentation for the mail art tribute to Kees Franke call, full color, cover plus 12 pages
2003 15 stickers, full page, "Works on Paper by Kees Frank", perf
2003 9 stamp, Femail Post 3 artistamps, sheetlet, perf, #4 of 20, signed
2003 envelope, Femail Post 0 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, franked
2003 ephemera, photo of DKA Post studio workbench and mailart
2003 9 stamp, half sheet DKA Post 3 artistamps, perf, signed DKA
2003 ephemera, letter, self photo on notepaper, signed
2003 25 stamp, full page, Nate Vision 6 artistamps, perf, signed DKA Post Production
2003 envelope, Nate Vision 6 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, first day issue, carved rubber cachet
2003 ephemera, dictionary definition of natch/nates
2003 greeting card, Nate Vision 6 artistamp master on front, signed
2005 25 stamp, sheetlet, femailist DKA Post 52 artistamps, perf, 13 varieties, signed, sent 2006
2006 envelope, two varieties femailist DKA Post 52 artistamps, one tied to cancel, hearts Hitam Post artistamp, all perf, cachet
2006 ephemera, note from Darlene on her drawings, transformed faces
2006 ephemera, poem "Likes" from Blaster on image by Darlene, signed
2006 envelope, self-portrait DKA Post 52 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet
2006 20 stamp, full page, self-portrait DKA Post 52 artistamps, perf, signed
2006 ephemera, art card, Bird Woman, signed, note from Darlene inside, signed
2006 envelope, october DKA Post 52 artistamp tied to cancel, perf, cachet
2006 25 stamp, full page, monster DKA Post 25 artistamps, perf, DKA & Blaster produced, signed
2006 ephemera, art card, april 13, 2006
2006 ephemera, artist trading card
2006 ephemera, letter from Darlene, signed

Jane Arnal - USA

2000 envelope, feeding the flock Grombolia 35 and king edward Grombolia 54 artistamps tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet, rat post sticker on back
2000 small envelope with a variety of very early Grombolian artistamp issues and protoytyes
2000 ephemera, note from Usherette 1 of Grombolia, signed
2001 envelope, Grail Mail sticker and ardys damp 1st postmaster general Grombolia 42 artistamp tied to cancel, both scissor perf
2001 2 stamp, pair, paris opera Grombolia 55 artistamps, pierce perf
2001 4 stamp, block, linda tripp year of the snake Grombolia 55 artistamps, pierce and scissor perf
2001 5 stamp, strip, disco coutiers Grombolia 55 artistamps, pierce and scissor perf
2001 ephemera, note from Timaroo, signed
2001 postcard, 1st annual un-fest Grombolia 47 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, first day cover documentation, cachet, carved rubber artwork on back, signed
2001 postcard, gunes floos Grombolia 55 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, documentation and artwork on back
2001 postcard, ancient prophet's calendar Grombolia 55 artistamp, scissor perf, first day cover documentation, preliminary stamp artwork on back
2001 postcard, alpaye Grombolia 2 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet, Alpaye documentation on back
2001 postcard, Eden Mail sticker tied to cancel, Grombolian Greetings sticker, both scissor perf, king edward sticker and new hume Grombolia 55 artistamp adhered to back
2001 postcard, delphi militia and daughters of grombolia 250 year commemoration Grombolia 55 artistamp adhered to back with documentation and canchets
2001 postcard, two 2nd anniversary AMLP62 2L artistamps tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachets, 2nd anniversary AMLP62 2L artistamp adhered to back large variety, scissor perf, fleur blanch documentation, cachet
2001 postcard, day of the dead Grombolia 35 and boo mail Grombolia 55 artistamps tied to cancel, scissor perf, death carver rubber artwork on back
2002 postcard, year of the horse Grombolia 55 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachet, Fold Heros of Grombolia #47 documentation and artwork on back
2002 postcard marco polo's shirt Grombolia 55 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, cachets front and back
2002 postcard, timaroo in the foriegn legion Grombolia 55 artistamp tied to cancel, scissor perf, timaroo revenue Grombolia 5 artistamp adhered to back, scissor perf, New Hume franked, carved stamp artwork
2002 postcard, sylvaine Grombolia 55 and the trinympherate Grombolia artistamps tied to cancel, both scissor perf, documentation, Sylvaine artwork on back
2002 envelope, birds of a feather Grombolia 47 artistamp, scissor perf
2002 5 stamp, strip, birds of a feather Grombolia 47 artistamps, pierce perf


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