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Toast Postes Artistamp Archive
Welcome to the Toast Postal Service Archives Division Serving Toast Postes Under Authority of The Arky of Toast, The Toast Embassy, Currently Located at Alki Beach, Seattle, and Several Local Posts that Deliver Mail Adjacent to the Embassy
Update #6 04/03/15 at 1:00 PM Pacific
FINAL #5 - 03/27/15 at 12:30 AM Pacific - about 30 US artists FINAL #4 - 02/13/15 at 8:30 AM Pacific - about 20 US and Canada artists FINAL #3 - 02/06/15 at 1:30 PM Pacific - about 25 US and EU artists and additional publications FINAL #2 - 01/08/15 at 4:00 AM Pacific - about 25 US and EU artists and publications FINAL #1 - 12/15/14 at 7:30 AM Pacific - about 35 US and Canada artists
The TPS Archives is mostly comprised of stamps and documents that reflect official mail to other individuals, entities, issuing authorities and official independent governing realms. Additionally, many of the stamps that the Toast Embassy has been authorized to create and issue are also represented here. Most of the documents relate to official trading policy, business and diplomacy. The following catalog of the archives represents perhaps half of all the correspondence to and from the Toast Embassy and a small percentage of official mail to and from the Arky of Toast.
The root cause of the incomplete state of the archive can be leveled directly at those lazy and incompetent individuals who once comprised the Embassy’s postal department. In general it reflects the total inadequacy of oversight at the Toast Embassy, on the part of Ambassador John Knoph, who has been relieved of his duties and assigned a less demanding position of responsibility. Given no additional readjustment, his ten year probationary period will end in January 2016, Earth Calendar.
Even though most correspondence with the ex-Ambassador is prohibited until then, you can browse the archives catalog for research and general interest. The interim archivist, Greg Byrd, will answer serious inquiry following his written guidelines.
In this catalog you may find reference to:
45° Poste, 4th Street Post, 84-Rooms!.
Adanaland, Amuldo Post, Anoldia, API, Arte Ala Carte Poste, Arte Postale - Baroni, Arte Postale - F Piri F, ART FOR UM, Art Gone Postal, Artopia, Arto Posto, Artpost, Azubia, AZYLand.
Ballynafae, Bananapost, Batocia, Bayou Poste, Berlovia, Bern Porter International, Bibelots Outpost, BoltPost, Boog Post, BTD Island Post, Bufo Post.
Canadada, Canine Mail Post, Cascadia Artpost, Caustic Jelly Post, Crackerjack Kid, Cygnet Post.
Dam Batai, Dandywood, Dao Badao, Darq Post, Day Circle Post, DiXon, DKA, Doo Da Post, Dragonfly Dream, Draw From Within, Dr. Surearts MAD, Dunslavin Post.
eepy post, Emission de Bricolage, EM Post, ExoticiaPost, Ex Posto Facto.
Faerie Poste, Farm Pulp, Femail Post, Fern Post Office, Fine Art Rorschach Test, flying wiZard post, Fox Poste, Francesca Poste, FreeSpiritPoste, Fripspost, F.U.N. - Baroni, F.U.N. - Ciani.
Galaxy47, Galoopia Post, Garterland, Ghost Poste, Goatopia, Gonzo Post, Great Lakes Republic, Grombolia, Guidonia, Gypsy Poste.
Helium Post, HeMi Post, Hodges Post, Holland, Honoria, Hosszu, Hypatia.
Ile de May, Illusionaria, Inka Isles, Isladania Post, Isle de Incognito, Isle de la Lune, Isle of Clark, Isle of Meesh.
Joki Mail Apt, JuKelJuKanLand.
Karenni State, Kattaput, Kite Post, Knitted Fractal Post, Kunst-Bahnhausen
Leirf Post, Lenticular, Lickypost, Lost Post, Lorsh Poste.
Mail Queen, Malorca, Mari Mail, Matangi Island, Menaposte, Merz Mail, mmMAIL, Mondo Postale, Moonkat, Mysteria Poste.
nanLANDia, Nebu, Netland, Netlandia, Networker Post, NO-Institute, Nomad Post.
Occupied Territiories of America, Olathe Poste, Ommpost, OTA.
Pag-hat the Rat-girl, Pandora Post, Parrot Post, Pennsylvania Deutschland, Perfect Press Poste, Perpetuity Post, Piccolo Post, Pictia Poste, Pig Wind Press, POKU Post, Pondidia, Pony Express Press, Posta Rica, Poste Archaic, Postes Mraur, Posto del Mar, Post Rock Island, Pottery District, Poulsbohemia Post, Precept Productions, Principality of buZ, Principality of D'Ahmesiekh Poste, Puget Sound Zeppelin Post.
Rakia Poste, Read Island Post, Republic of Stickerland, Revilla Revellers Post, Rubberbia Rabbitlandia.
Science Fair Post, Semprini, Serene Principality of Serendip, S.I.N., Sideshowpost, Slumberland, SOS Post, SPA, SPoS Post, State of Being, State of Mind, Surrealville, Swiftpost.
Terra Candella, Terrart, Thistle Punk Post, Timopia, Toyko Post, Triangle Post, Trian Gulo, Tui Tui.
Upware Republic.
Vitex Post.
Yo Yo Post.
ZanKanDu, ZenaZero, Zero Post, Zerovia, Ziez, Zoipost, Zygopterra.
Darlene Altschul, Arto Posto.
Arunas Banionis, Laura Barletta, Vittore Baroni, Berti, Madame A. Bologna, Anna Banana, Ria Bauwens, Bronwyn Berry, Captain Biology, Luther Blissett, buZ blurr, Boog, Alan Brignull, Janice Bryant.
David Cammack, Francesca Cappuci, Wendy Chaiken, Stephanie Chao, Carol Chapel, C.T.Chew, Piermario Ciani, Buster Cleveland, Joan Coderre, Barbara Cooper, Crash.
JB Daniel, Aisling D’Art, Naomi Davidson, Mike Dickau, Beverly Dittberner, Jeffrey DiXon, Mary Beth Dodson, Dogfish, Kelley Dunwoody.
Tine Eelman, B. Anne Envelope.
F Piri F, James W. Felter, Jan Fields, Dr. Victoria Fluxbuxenstein, Franco Piri Focardi, Grace Frankforter, Hans Ruedi Fricker, Jeffrey Friederichsen, Sandy Friel, Frips.
Adde Lou Garter, Robin Gasser, Cynthia Gaub, Cynthia Greythorne, Jenny Hunter Groat.
Frances Hall, Donna Hanson, H S H Harley, Dorothy Harris, Brad Hefta-Gaub, John Held, Jr., E.F. Higgins, III, Dennis Highberger, Gregory Hischak, Steve Hodges, Honoria, Lisa Hooker, Allison Hooper, Michel Hosszu, Susan Houghton, Jeanie Hughes.
Roberta James, Julie Jefferies, Deborah K. Johnson, Marvin Johnson, Nan Johnson, Joki, Linda E. Jones, Rick Jones, Dennis P. Jordan.
Eleanor Kent, Crackerjack Kid, Frankie Kins, Alice Kitselman, Kiyotei, Josef Klaffki, Jiri "George" Kovats, Tim Krause, Tara Kuschel, Kwint.
Diane Langley, Jack Lattemann, Lezbag, David Locicero, Lynn Jr.
Marguerite, Frances Martin, anNe Maybe, Kat McCullough, Tim McLaughlin, Joan Menapace, Sally Mericle, Meesh Rheault Miller, Louise Millmann, Henning Mittendorf, Moos, Jen Mullen, Annemiek Mullenders.
Connie Newbanks, Paul Nudd.
Jürgen O. Olbrich, Rosanna Ortlepp.
Jack Palmer, Lynn Arno Palmiter, Roberta Parsons, Emilie Emily Augusta Patripost, Amy Peacock, Julee Peezlee, Annie Penturlurer, Ms. Perfect, Amy Pfeffer, Konnie Phelps, Dorina Picco, Carlo Pittore, Bern Porter, W.C. "Bill" Porter, Marilyn Pounder.
Jean Marc Rastorfer, Pag-hat the Rat-girl, Judy Rinks, Rudi Rubberoid, Robert Rudine.
Steve Salik, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Scientist Sam, Cindy Schott, Caroline Scott, Rachel Scott, Sheba, LaVona Sherarts, Norman Sherfield, C. Steven Short, Darcy Sinclair, Steve Smith, Pere Sousa, Madelyn Starbuck, Stardancer, Stickerman, Henrietta Stoltzfus.
Patricia Taverner, Mars Tokyo, Jack Trenholm, Lothar Trott.
Mark Valentine, Monique van Berkel, Ed Varney, Jr.
Lin Walker, Leslie Waygren, Chuck Welch, Malinda Welte, Missy Welshko-Williams, Kim White, Susan Williamson, Amy Wilson, Jokie X. Wilson, William S. Wilson, Karen Winters, Reid Wood, Linda Woods, Jenni Worner.
Oscar Yeats, Joyce Yuen.
ZenaZero, Elizabeth Zois.
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